
Where are these liberal states that you speak of? They sound nice.

“Cheer up”!

I fully agree with your podcast ranking.

I got it! I got it! I got it!

Classic Trump, always let someone else take the fall for you. I’m sure he loves seeing this, couldn’t have planned it any better.

Irregardless, for all intensive purposes I think we know what he means.

At least Ms. McVay was frank while being grilled by the media.

Augustus Gloop became a bullpen catcher?!?

Obviously, “I wish a motherfucker would” doesn’t necessarily mean “I wish a motherfucker would!” Jeez...what’s so difficult to understand

What’s really disturbing is the egregious misuse of the “sad trombone” sound effect. Totally inappropriate in this context.

Huh, very interesting Cliff.

I haven’t heard you make a derogatory remark about Italians since your “reckoning.” Are your hilarious ethnic stereotypes jokes making a comeback?

The message is clear, vote for me this fall...or I will shoot your face off!

Those occupations are fine, but it’s more working as performance artist or a short order cook where you’re hired to assume an identity and perform a service. Even somewhat like a combo tax accountant/thoroughbred jockey.

NEVER have the words ‘ugly boner’ and ‘Ronaldo’ ever appeared together!

This method. What could be easier?

Another nice thing about the character Annie Savoy...she doesn’t whine the entire movie about being a woman and a baseball fan.  

More like Killjoy’s Bar & Grill, amirite?!?

Well, if somebody just fucked me in the ass, I wouldn’t turn around and ask them for a blowjob.

Undersized?!?! It looks huge in that picture!