
You’re sad they took the time out to do something they (apparently) enjoyed doing?

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I just love the ending to “Jump Good” so damn much. That, and the bridge episode are probably two of my faves.

That’s fucking adorable.

It’s been 13 years since the last 2d metroid game.

This was a ploy to trick retail buyers who were afraid of stocking another “video game”, after The Crash, as well as consumers who figured the video game fad was dead. It was less a step back and more of a clever way in the door.

That old NES is sexy af

Fuck you, curling is great.

In restless dreams I walked alone/
Narrow streets of shadow-stone/
‘Neath the halo of a bird cage/
I stood to face up to the old queen’s rage/
When my horns were struck by the flash of a true dark light/ split the fight/
And touched the sound--of ICO.

Hello bird-dog, my old friend,
I’ve come to watch your trailer again,
Because a vapor softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was PSP-ing,
And the vapor that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of Ico

Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen?

2016 can go to a very special level of Hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.

Now playing

Track: Walkabout | Artist: The Sugarcubes | Album: Stick Around for Joy

Shrug and move on.

Ah, thank you. There I was thinking it was the sequel to “I am Bread”.

I heard they were just doing it for the thrill and then at the weekends they’d just go surfing.

Gonna need Kotaku to review all products primarily but perhaps not solely based on smell from now on

I mean, what were you seriously expecting? This is what Bioware does. Stories about people rising up to the challenge and finding allies who want to assist in overcoming whatever apocalyptic event is about to unfold.

I am, however, correct. So I’m quite comfortable with that.

It’s ok. China will make a knockoff version of Overwatch and call it Uvawachi. Oh and you can only play as Mei.

Oh, hush. Go grab a pint and try to get a little happier.