My First Desk Pop

Pretty sure she actually does have lupus.

Selena Gomez will be turning 25 next month. She is not a child, and she is allowed to be a sexual person even if she doesn’t look the way you think she should.

It’s pretty much like that across any realm that’s supposedly “women’s work.” Fashion is a “feminine” activity, but high fashion is dominated by men. Cooking? Totally a woman’s job at home, but fancy chefs running acclaimed restaurants are almost all male. Teaching? Totally a girly job, but the highest-paid, most

Rapists and wife beaters are fine, but a guy not standing for the fucking anthem to protest police brutality is a step too far, apparently.

I wish he would bring a collusion case. The sooner the NFL collapses, the fewer young men get their brains scrambled.

FWIW, the Kaepernick story is actually really interesting (and depressing). He’s got the 17th highest selling jersey in the league, and his stats for last season were solid, but teams are actively refusing to hire him. No one’s saying exactly why, but c’mon: it’s because he took a political stance last year and is

It’s not compassion. It’s an attempt to define when conciousnes begins. Once that’s settled it all down hill fast from there.

You know what really bothered me the most about Billy Bush? (Aside from this whole shit show in general.) It’s not just that he went along with Trump detailing how he goes about assaulting women, it’s that Trump was detailing how he was assaulting Bush’s colleague (it’s been a while since I’ve voluntarily listened to

I didn’t see SNL when it aired last night but today I watched the Amazon Echo Silver skit and it was funny as hell.

‘selling diamonds in the mall’ - dead

I have no doubt that the opioid crisis is real and terrifying, but is this “fixing the opioid crisis” the new “sent to the cornfield”? Is this the new political wilderness? Granted, Jared’s been tasked with it as well when he’s not “fixing the Middle East” or selling diamonds in a mall, but still...

I feel the same way, but with Drop Dead Gorgeous.

I don’t know if you actually know much about her backstory - sounds like some very easy-to-do research is missing on your part! Her family was very well-to-do when she was a child, but when her dad was diagnosed with M.S., their family went bankrupt, and they lost their home and had to move into a VERY modest place.

The jurors said if they had stayed quiet on the way out they would have found not guilty but the way the law was written tied their hands.

I like to melt process cheese on my chocolate chip cookies (nothing fresh baked—you want the sad, factory-made ones).

Thank you. I’m going to start reading every Trump transcript like it’s Heather Graham and Julianne Moore having a coke fueled conversation in Boogie Nights.

The only times conservatives care about women is when they can make it about how terrible Muslims are.

WHAT?????? This is so absurd. I think she deserves the criticism for her shitty attitude towards Williams but saying she’s always been wealthy disqualifies her from playing a role??? Since when do we do this? Actors are ACTING. They play extreme roles that are completely opposite of what they are all the time. 

No, no, NO! MONKEYS eat bananas! Elephants eat PEANUTS! Has she lost her MIND?!?!?!? Rabbits eat lettuce, mice eat cheese, and dingoes eat babies; there are rules to be followed, dammit!