My First Desk Pop

the reviews dont look as good as the suits, i have to admit.

beware - they are a china scam site so you may not get what you are hoping for based on pics....

Not everyone can comfortably use a diva cup. Therefore whatever tool they are comfortable using during their period is what they should have on hand. Not everyone can even comfortable use tampons. Vaginas are not one size fits all.

I’m with you. I don’t have any particular desire to live in a world where every cut or scrape could kill me (antibiotics have an expiration date), and/or everyone is dying of dysentery or scarlet fever or lockjaw. Plus every interaction I have ever had with a prepper made me 100% certain that I would not want to deal

No, I’m good. Do you think everyone who jumped from the Twin Towers during the attack needed a shrink?

My doomsday prep involves hoping I’m taken out in the first wave. I’m not an unhappy person, but there’s nothing about my life that would make me desperate to cling to it in an actual apocalypse. The chick in the first season of The Walking Dead who let herself be blown up? That would so be me.

“... Tampax ...”
As a side note, maxi pads are really good at starting bleeding from a wound. Maxi pads and elastic sport bandage can be a substitute for something like Israeli bandage. can’t just tease us like that. We need a picture of the manicure!

  1. God is all-good.

I scored 7 on the list. Fortunately I think creationism is bullshit and I’m a dope smoking middle aged homo so the threat I pose is limited.

I hateeee (with exactly that many Es) Rodan + Fields. I have a “friend” pushing it on Instagram. Every day is another clearly doctored before/after shot or some “inspirational” drivel to get me to join her team.

Because it’s far more expensive than life imprisonment. Because it doesn’t act as a deterrent and as such I see no justification for allowing the government to commit murder. Because no justice system is perfect and it’s bad enough that we end up locking people up who later turn out to be innocent but killing them

Yes, but hers is a rational hate for many completely logical reasons she could easily explain. He hates her like a toddler hates brussel sprouts.

Personally I’d rather have a Harry/Meghan engagement. That would cheer me up enormously.

^^^^^ THIS!

Nope. My dream president is someone that has experience for the job and has proven themselves as fighters for our country. Politicians that have dedicated their lives from their first municipal office to where they are today. Politicians that know their constituents; Politicians that have spent their careers making

Sorry, she’s really not. I don’t want a celebrity President even if they are liberal. I want a policy wonk and an experienced diplomat. Sadly, a small fraction of the country did not and they have doomed us all.

While I wouldn’t be particularly opposed to the second half, there’s no reason that the car should suffer. It’s an item with interesting historical value and in the right hands could be part of an educational display. Just because the Nazis were truly evil doesn’t mean every product from them should be destroyed,

Instead of calling it BS, just be grateful that your body didn’t “take” to opiates. People react differently to different things.

Cosigned by a fellow NC-er.