
Yeah Netflix is constantly trying to get me to watch that by putting it front and center (or at least it was; not sure if it’s still streaming). Anyway, shelter volunteer here. There’s no way I’m watching that movie. There’s also no way I’m ever going to Sea World, so it’s win-win.

Shut. It. Down.

Ah, I just invented a nice end to his story then, probably. I'd like to see him too!

Maybe not Pete specifically, but the basic framework of the men of Mad Men is what spawned Reagan-era economics, no? Also he's even more of a zillionaire now and still has 10 years to go :)

Didn't he go off and become an art director at a rival agency or something?

I read somewhere (here? in the Slate recaps?) that Matthew Weiner has said that he's interested in exploring less what the 60s were and more how the 80s became the 80s. Don and Roger and Pete - they're all Reagan voters ( assuming they make it through the 70s, I guess) and I'm also thinking that end result is going to

They’ll probably find a way to charge your ghost with feticide.

Lol. Right? Like i can barely work up the energy to worry about shit that is real, like my finances or the health of my marriage.

I totally read and wrote them!

Ah, this was me and my husband! Then I got knocked up!

Absolutely. I hate the phrase "safe, legal and rare" for that reason and all that rhetoric around "No one wants women to have to have abortions." Why the fuck not? I want women to have abortions if they want abortions! That kind of talk undermines the fact that it is a simple, elective* procedure that should be no big

Me too! When I used to watch FNL with my roommate we used to joke that we wanted him to adopt/romance us but we weren't sure which. Now that I'm a bit older, I think romance is the better option. Yummy.

Have we learning NOTHING about overalls from She's All That?!?

I had to have one, but only because I experienced fairly extreme pain during insertion and the doc was worried about a puncture. I don't think it's normal to require an ultrasound unless they believe they might have punctured something / gotten it in the wrong place. (Everything was fine with mine BTW).

The whole "she's 2 months preg and here's her bump" stuff always makes me laff. You don't even really have a bump at 2 months (if you're having 1 and it's your first). Ok, sure, the odd woman has something to see here, maybe, and I guess a very thin celeb might be ever so slightly ....thicker....than usual, but the

I'm a soy and nut allergic vegetarian. Without milk, I basically only have quinoa. I'll continue drinking my two cups a day. My poops are fine, thanks. I also find it to be delicious.

Man. She's delightful!

You don't even find out the sex of the baby (generally) until week 20 (although maybe that's accounted for in the narrative; the new testing can tell at week 10 through maternal blood scan but still...), after which getting an abortion is really, really difficult. This is patently fiction.

Oh my god.

Such a nightmare. Thank you for repeating it. It's preaching to the choir here, but it bears repeating / screaming from the rooftops as loudly and often as possible. I'm currently 7 weeks pregnant with a much wanted pregnancy and I cannot. Imagine. Having to go through carrying a baby to term that was going to die