
I cannot star this enough times. He’s said and done a lot of boneheaded things, but talking about her rack in that situation is not one of them.

Yeah I actually didn’t think I was bad. She took her top off for exactly that kind of reaction.

Of course she wasn’t offended. And I tire of people getting offended for someone else. She clearly intended to show them off. To not comment on them would have been insensitive.

I dont think that women with plastic surgery are ‘bimbos’, just idiots. I feel the same about men too, but usually its hair implants, toupees and open carry for them.

True story: I dated a guy raging douche who solemnly believed that a woman’s breasts “grow in the presence of a real man.” In English: the dude thought that my boobs would get bigger because of his righteous schlong. Yeah, he was a moron.

Nope, they’re 100% real! She does a funny bit about how when she lies down they go straight into her armpits “where they belong.”

Does she have to be offended for it to be a stupid thing to say on national television??

Lol. I’m so gonna steal “freedom units.”

I’m a scientist, so I constantly have to convert back and forth between the metric system and freedom units.

Look, I get where Chris Kluwe is coming from- he chose the road that Lebron didn’t choose, and in the end it cost him dearly. It essentially ended his career, because he decided to speak up against what was wrong. That is a commendable thing for him to do, and we should all respect Chris Kluwe. People like him have

I’m not trying to impugn LeBron, more ask the question “When is enough enough?”

Because I didn’t realize the opportunity was there. Once I was made aware of it, I acted.

Here’s the thing though - protests work by shutting down segments of society we’re not used to having shut down, to illustrate an injustice in the system. Lunch counter sit-ins - well, now you have to go out of your way to get lunch, and also ask yourself “Why are those people doing this?” Transportation strikes - now

If human beings were logical, we wouldn’t prioritize sports over education and science, yet that’s the world we live in. For a lot of people, the news or politicians saying something doesn’t matter, but their favorite athlete saying it does. Failing to recognize that reveals true naivete.

See, but here’s the thing that gets me (and I’ll do my best to convey it in words but I don’t know if I’ll succeed).

pssst. punch Chris Kluwe Vikings into google.

But you do realize that everything of note he says or does on screen is put forth in a way that fits into what is approved by Nike for growing the Lebron brand. It’s not like he lips syncs Public Enemy as some act of rebellion or black power that isn’t calculated on how it will effect shoe sales. This whole article

“To do more than that would require a combination of bravery, anger, and opportunity that’s unfair to expect or ask for.”

He’s their star player. They might play without him, but they won’t win much without him. And frankly, you think if LeBron sat out the rest of the players wouldn’t follow suit? Unlikely.

We do not live in a society in which a black basketball player can get killer cops sent to jail by taking a break from playing. Any gesture James made, then, would be empty performance, flattering Black Lives Matter activists for their ability to manipulate one of the most famous people in the world rather than