
Did you see the video of the Splash Mountain employee beating one back with a plastic pole as guests are literally feet away, oblivious? How can people still have this flippant attitude when there is video of a gator on a goddamn Disney ride in the middle of the park. I'm a fucking local born and raised and I would

‘Nuisance’ alligator sounds so folksy, like the alligator borrowed your lawn mower and didn’t return it, not like the kind that would kill your two year old.

Having lived in Florida for only a short time in my life, for most people, gators seem like a weird animal that exists somewhere else. It is really not commonly known how widespread the gator population is in Florida and even as far as southern Virginia.

Yup. Woman are always made to feel like they are overreacting if they find a man creepy. We’re supposed to be understanding of gross behavior and write it off as “social awkwardness.” Fuck that noise. Trust your gut ladies.

You do realize people get maternity leave for adopting children too, right?

Yes. As a story I heard goes, no one on their deathbed wishes they had worked more.

And giving birth isn’t dealing with an existing medical issue? It’s naive and cute you think women always choose to get pregnant btw.

Complaining that you don’t get one of the benefits of having children because you decided not to have children is irrational. Sorry.

Yeah. I don’t consider taking care of my mom post surgery vacation either, but that’s where my vacation time went last yr.

This is why rational family leave will never take hold in America. Someone’s always going to cry “no fair.”

You misinterpreted what Sheesh said, she wants time off for “important things” and FMLA only allows you to take time off for actual medical reasons. Sheesh wants us to think that having a baby is the same as writing a novel.

Every single employee should get mandatory 12 weeks off? Every year? I’m all for going over the French work schedule, but I don’t think that would fly here.

Sure, as long as during that time off you don’t get more than 2 hours sleep at a time and listen to super loud screeching and have someone chewing on your nipples non-stop and clean up massive amounts of shit and piss, you can have an equal amount of time off.

Yeah...that’s not going to happen.

My favorite storied student simile is: “The boat glided across the lake just like a bowling ball wouldn’t.”

a New York Jew with a copy of the Times tucked into her bag.

There are already tons of rapists/murderers/domestic abusers out there...what’s the use making these crimes illegal?

I don’t know, co-worker I’ve never met, maybe it would stop a guy from buying a bunch of them and then murdering 50 people in a night club two fucking days later?

I hate him.

One of my coworkers used this exact argument to me moments ago: there are already a ton of guns so what would be the use banning them.