
So...make your marriage work? or get a better lawyer?

THIS. I dealt with YEARS of infertility - and I’m about to have my first - and I side eye the fuck out of people who think motherhood is some kind of heroic nonsense. Just stop.

This looks like uncontrolled gestational diabetes. Yikes.

This made me inappropriately laugh during a meeting. Also, I live my life trying to hone my oversharing into something that resembles yours and not the other kinds.

Actually you can now find out by blood test starting at 9 weeks. But you’re right - that blood test is elective, etc etc.

Thank you!! - I’m pregnant with our first child (a girl) and this was giving me the willies. MY husband thinks women under 30 are children; there is nothing typical about that kind of sickness.

I am alarmingly hormonal and pregnant and just at a loss. Tell me this isn’t common. TELL ME. That’s it. I’m calling my husband.

It is so so so hard to deal with infertility. I feel you. I started trying at 28 and four years later I wasn’t pregnant. Brutal. It happened for us, but only after many tears, counseling sessions, an impulsively procured dog, a second impulsively procured dog, many many more tears...It is fucking difficult and

Really? At a planned parenthood? I used them exclusively in Texas for about 10 years and NEVER had kind of interaction. How strange.

I am so sorry :( That is terrifying.

Most men are great! I love men! I have a wonderful husband and great co workers and good friends — all men, all lovely. The fear is also always there - lurking under the surface. Less so as I get older and “age out” of the super-killable age range of 15-30. We can have both - good men and men we fear are out there. I

Is this something that has been verified or is just rumor? I thought it was totally unsubstantiated!

Because that isn’t how women’s cycles work. Good lord.

I find it particularly insidious that they claim this thing cures things that have NO treatment - for example, endometriosis - or cure things that are SO emotionally loaded - for example, infertility. Preying on people in vulnerable positions.

you are tough as nails! Total Gryiffindor.

19 weeks and still in regular pants...not for me :( I’m 11 weeks and so short that I’m already bursting out of my own pants! And I haven’t even gained any weight! It’s quite startling. Not sure what the rest of this journey will bring...

And ditto from the very short! :(

As a pregnant’s one of the only things NO ONE has bothered me about!!

This has been thing for a long time, no? I think they were all red packets before?

10 weeks pregnant and with you 100000%