
This guy’s lawyer says: “It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with.”

Margaret Atwood.

My (pretty chill) mother did a bunch of hand-wringing when my sister moved in with her longtime boyfriend two years ago because “what will people think?”—as if anyone still cares about “living in sin.”

The paragraph you quoted doesn’t mention or describe seduction. A term you might be looking for is “grooming”.

“Seduces” isn’t an appropriate term to use to describe child molestation.

When I was in high school, a girl in my freshman gym class was married. Apparently her mother had found out that she was sleeping with some 20something dude the summer before high school started and insisted that they get married or she’d have him arrested. The girl seemed cool with it at the time, and we were all in

We are so overdue for a plague

So, she totally rebuffed his flirting and he’s taking his hurt fee-fees to the media, right?

Since Polanski was actually charged (multiple counts) and plead guilty to one charge, I suspect that Allen defenders would simply highlight that the accusations against him never made it to a court of law as further “evidence” of his innocence. Just my guess.

Well, I don’t want to fuck 13-year old children. #notalleveryone

I will never not post this quote.

Tears heal better than incisions.

Opposite actually, tears heal nicer.

yeah, that’s wrong. a cut is through all the layers of tissue. a tear is often just through the surface layers.

Overpopulation is bullshit. Not wanting kids is fine, but don't throw that kind of crap out there to make yourself seem like a better person.

The decision to remain childfree is completely valid. But please remember that raising children is not just a personal life choice. It’s the way societies replenish themselves and continue to function. Parents make tremendous personal, professional and financial sacrifices to do this vital job for society; it’s not

I would like a t-shirt with “Capitalism is a Dumpster Fire” on it, please.

I love being a working mom of a small child and am not miserable. I’m way happier than I was before I had her. That’s not to say you should want to have kids if you don’t. I’d rather people who don’t want kids continue not to have them. I just wanted to throw it out there that it isn’t terrible for some of us.

I don’t have kids, but every understanding I have of maternity leave involves no sleep, falling behind on everything, dealing with far too many visitors, and not being able to wipe your ass with toilet paper for a while. I don’t envy anything here.

Some of the information in this article is wrong. First of all, your basal body temperature rises the day AFTER ovulation. When you’re charting, you usually get a temperature DIP on the day of ovulation and then it rises the next day (if your temperature stays up for 3 days, most likely you have ovulated, though