
The “sashayed past the board in stiletto heels” bit is what stands out most to me. That reporter was watching her every move with the mindset of a porn viewer, and it shows. Why is it so hard to treat adult performers like they are actual, adult people?

Right? If they can automatically sign me up for jury duty, then they can automatically sign me up to vote.

I think not voting is also a right under a democracy, for example, if you’re against all the candidates. And unless laws make it easier for people to vote, just making it mandatory is even worse. So now the poor citizen who can’t get time off from work on Super Tuesday to vote will get punished (even though

Ya think? I honestly had to stare for a minute - her face doesn’t look like her face to me but damn if I can’t place who she does look like...

I think it’s pretty much NOT the norm. Don’t worry!

It’s legal to donate a kidney, but not for someone to cut a kidney out of you without your consent. I think that’s the kind of law that should be in effect here.

I’m extremely pro-choice (and work in OB at a Catholic hospital, so... it’s a struggle), but I didn’t get the impression from the information in this write-up that we’re talking about a ball of unviable cells here. If we’re talking about like, a 25-week-old baby that should have gone to term, I don’t care what kind of

Well, it’s been about 9 years, we’ve got a wonderful 8-year-old son, and we love each other very much. So I think we’re in good shape. It comes up every now and then in small ways, but for the most part we’re past it. Another good thing here is that I’m not tempted to do it again. I’m thankful for what I have, and I’m

Ignore the trolls. You are making the best choice for yourself and your family.

I guess I think of it more as choosing to be able to pay my light and food bill over adding another, but thank you for understanding .

As a single woman, I’ve found that quite a few of the guys who have approached me looking to cheat on their partners do it when their partners are pregnant or are within a year of having given birth. That seems to be a really insecure time for men.

Not funny...nothing in your post is funny.

Nope. People can change. It’s hard, but they can.

Just found out my wife’s been cheating for eight fucking years. Marriage pretty much done. Haven’t pulled the trigger yet on divorce but kinda have too.

Speaking from personal experience... not necessarily. Early in our relationship, I was less than honest with my girlfriend/SO about relationships. She finally broke it off, but a couple of years later we got back together again. Through three cities now and more than 7 years, I haven’t “stepped out” again (no, I’m not

i wish men would step up too. i hate that it is always the woman’s job to not get pregnant.

I’d rather not know if it wasn’t going to happen again. There is no benefit IMHO to this sort of knowledge. I would feel bad, then I wouldn’t be able to trust them, then I would likely end up breaking up in response. Also, if they cheated, and were a good person, I’d rather they handle that guilt on their own rather

It’s articles like this that make it hard for me to go outside.

Thank you so much for this. It is an excellent piece, and I am grateful to have read it.

This could not be more timely for me. I have a 14 month old at home, and just found out I’m unexpectedly pregnant (BC fail!). Husband and I have been bending over backwards to figure out how we’d be able to make it work, but the truth is there is just no way. Although the decision isnt easy in our case, our survival