
You’ve never seen this one? People usually bask in its glory every other week on this thread.

I’m starting to think this masterpiece might have been dumb luck.

Where did he get the money to do all of this? That clinic looks huge! That website looks legit! I wish he could have just used his love for medicine in a positive way by - say - getting a medical degree and actually being licensed to practice it.

Probably not. Caitlyn still calls herself their father, and she also refers to herself as “he” when she talks about her life as Bruce. She has said that she wants the kids to think of her as Dad. The author is doing that now because she knows this.

I only skimmed, but it may be the having her publicist release a statement. That's kind of unnecessary. Just go and silently support as the parent.

Yeah, it’s kind of funny reading from college students and 20-somethings who say, “I’ll never spend money on...”

Pinterest allows people to feel creative without actually having to do anything and 99% of the “DIY” shit on there is more expensive to make than to buy yourself.

Fucking Instagram AND Pinterest. My college-aged nieces (who both have boyfriends) have wedding boards they pin to all the fucking time. It’s a ton of crafty shit (mason jars and chalboard signs and hankies to give to Daddy promising to be his little girl forever BAAARRFFF) and also tons of gaudy rings that look fake

That rack is a godsend for community theater.

I love my gaudy ring

Any opportunity to put out the “fuck diamonds” concept is an important one.

I blame instagram. I blame it for the ever increasing crafty bullshit that surrounds weddings and I blame it for the 2000% increase in the crowd at the apple orchard my family and I have been visiting since 1994.

Or... They’re more likely to use that money toward down-payment on a house because they aren’t young and stupid enough to throw money away.

I don't own many "feels" about much, but the two youngest gals.............. I want a whip smart, fearless, 50+ homeless woman who just won a HUGE lottery to kidnap them, whisk them off to some remote place where they will pitch a tent, make a fire and talk about real life shit. Ok, so I'm having a Sarah Connor

Poor Kylie’s vacant gaze at the tender age of 18. It’s like she’s seen some shit.

Indeed. He was murdered. By Obama. Using aged steaks, plenty of Barolo, and cigars. It’s obvious.

She’s gorgeous but I find the photo awkward and her stomach looks badly photoshopped. She has rolls and that’s okay.

I love that they’re calling her a “body activist” instead of a hot model who’s just not anorexic. Apparently all you need to be a body activist is to have your chest weigh as much as most models. So brave...

He said he was in debt, not broke. I’d imagine most of us are in some form of debt or another.

Fun fact: If you spend money like a crazy person you’ll go broke. Even if you’re a successful recording artist.