
Dude - you don’t know what’s going on inside those women’s heads, with your “innocent” little observations. For all you know, they could be putting on a big show, for you and the neighbors who happen to be watching. (And her husband could be threatening her with a beating or worse if she doesn’t.)

valid point. however, knowing how to protect yourself is important. because, as numerous posters have pointed out, you may not be able to tell if a person is the type to lose his shit. so yes, while men shouldn’t commit these acts....please remember, this person may not have the opportunity to educate anyone other

Dear Roundys et al,

My god. He delayed it so he could get some rounds of target practice in. He really had every intention to fucking kill her.

Kwok’s wife, Alison, testified that she loves her husband more now than when the assault occurred, and said “he has already been punished” enough for the crime. She asked that he be sentenced to probation, saying she needs him at home to help raise their two children.

A guy I knew in high school asked me out several times before giving up. A few years later, when I was in college, I came home one night and my mother asked, didja hear about X Y (the dude who had asked me out)? He killed a girl because she turned him down for a date.

Can you believe the store started a Go Fund Me page? I think we should do something about that.

Mothers and fathers, raise your boys right because my daughter is going to have to deal with your consequence.

Ready to wrap and put in the mail!

The problem isn’t identifying them. It’s getting away from them when you do. This woman had no problem seeing this guy was bad news.

Why is it when some woman is murdered or raped all of these men come from all over to leave angry comments about how terrible women are? I am at a point in my life where I am literally terrified of all of you and have stopped dating. Why would I want to date someone who hates my gender and completely dismisses any

Such a shame :(

The refrain of every entitled psychopath:

This probably won’t be seen since I’m late and gray, but I think this was my tip; thank you, Stassa, for giving this tragedy a larger platform. This happened just five miles from my apartment. So heartbreaking.

Socio-economic status has nothing to do with it. He felt he was owed something and blamed his behavior on her.

It is actually pretty standard to suspend an officer and investigate whenever they fire their weapon. Most officers never fire their weapon, so it should be investigated and the officer should be given mental health support.

Yeah this is a three-part disaster: socially conditioned male entitlement, no real system for adequately treating our mentally ill citizens, and far too lax gun laws.

One rejection ruined his life. You know what ruined hers? Getting shot to death after leaving a long shift at work. He shouldve learned to deal with rejection like an adult

“She had ruined my life.”

This is what she gets for not giving the “nice guy” a chance.