On another site the headline was, Cops Kill Woman While Responding to Suicide Call. Tragic and terrible. My heart goes out to his mother.
On another site the headline was, Cops Kill Woman While Responding to Suicide Call. Tragic and terrible. My heart goes out to his mother.
I’m not sure that you are. In a better-organized world, you could go to a local university, where they would have a stock of Zika-carrying Aedes Aegyptii mosquitoes living in a lab. The researchers would give you a jar with some mosquitoes in it to hold against your arm. They would bite you, you would go home with a…
This is sort of what I’m wondering, how many women in this area will take measures to prevent pregnancy this year? The husband and I were considering conception in 2016, but might hold off until I’m back home. I can’t help feeling like I’m having a privileged overreaction.
NB: My own unlikely exposure to Zika is not what is actually horrifying about this outbreak. The likelihood of me personally being affected by this is, I’m sure, negligible, and ultimately beside the point. I’m just a foreigner trying to understand the scope of things.
Naw, solitary for life is in fact hell on earth and a fitting punishment.
Somehow, “she loved pandas” really landed a gut punch. Poor baby.
I wished I believed in hell. There can be no justice for that poor little girl. No punishment will ever be enough.
“How dare she force me to look at breasts that are older than 25"
Ms. Sarandon, as always, looks fabulous. If she wore that to my funeral it would make me reconsider this whole “afterlife” business, if only briefly. Piers Morgan is apparently channeling Mrs. Grundy these days, I hope he doesn’t get carpal tunnel from all that pearl-clutching.
Susan Sarandon is a queen and Piers Morgan needs to grovel at her feet like the peasant he is. That tbt tweet, my God, she's amazing.
Take that stick out of your ass Piers. Please and thank you.
My little sister called me upon landing after her first cross-country flight in TEARS. She (16 at the time) was so freaked/icked out by the much-older guy seated next to her. He raised the arm rest immediately after taking off, and proceeded to rub against her the entire flight. She said he used his arm/shoulder to…
I had a woman do this! On my way to Dubai (then onwards to Baghdad) from DC (looooooong flight), evening flight, mostly empty. I had the most blessed thing occur - I wound up with the middle row all to myself! I developed immediate plans to drink several vodkas and pass out, for once, comfortably. I stayed in my end…
The only time this happened to me I was on a flight to Korea and had the window, while a kindly old Korean woman had the isle. We exchanged pleasantries (nods, es she didn’t speak much english) and I silently helped her untangle her earphones. After the plane took off and we both realized there was no one to sit…
Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.
I was once in the window seat of a row of three. There was a gentleman in the aisle seat. As the boarding process ended, it became clear that the middle seat was to remain blissfully empty and I felt immediate relief, until the gentleman picked himself up, scooted over, and started to lower his ass into the vacant…
Also, unless there is an empty seat between you, NEVER push up the dividing armrest. It is down for a reason- my space on this side, your space on that side. This is a sacred and powerful divider. Even if parts of you are spilling under it and squeezing against my thighs, I can pretend that it impossible because the…
And, OMG these people, if you are part of a couple and you book an aisle seat and a window seat in the hopes that no one takes the middle and then someone sits in the middle seat and you don’t offer to switch and instead hold whole conversations over middle’s head YOU ARE MONSTER PEOPLE.
ALL of these rules, but especially this: