
Well, we have these things called periods. It’s a cycle where our uterus sheds bloody tissue for a few days, or a week or so, for the unlucky among us. With a few rare exceptions, we don’t worry until we notice that has stopped, which happens during pregnancy. Women are much more worried about disease and unprotected

Not to mention faculty-faculty harassment. I’m the single female in a department of 9, and am simply saving up and documenting all of the complete inappropriateness until I have enough to go to the administration.

Cool story, bro. Thanks for the mansplanation.

“incapacitated due to alcohol and therefore could not consent,”

I love my enlightened, awesome Jezebel commenters. I was nearly shamed off a Facebook group for making this argument and for admitting I had an occasional glass of wine during my pregnancy. “WHY WOULD YOU TAKE THAT CHANCE? YOU MUST HATE YOUR BABY!!!!1!”

All women of childbearing age should lock themselves in padded boxed and eat nothing but nutritionally controlled gruel.

Just curious: Where have you seen evidence that some women will have kids with FAS after drinking a few times?

The warning has just a hint of the mentality that considers all women of childbearing age to be “pre-pregnant.” There’s already a substantial portion of the population that sees women as walking incubators, and I worry that this could encourage that thinking.

Same. I mention upthread that I was far into my pregnancy before I realized it, and during that period was my wedding, bachelorette party, and honeymoon, all of which involved a LOT of drinking (would have been around 3 months pregnant at the time). My doc was completely unconcerned.

My pediatrician told me that just based on her experience, you’d have to be drinking a ton in order to have any effect.

My OB/GYN was old school. He told me to have a glass of wine or two a week while pregnant.

Also: my son was conceived amid the height of holiday party season. I drank a lot during his first month of nascence. When I found out I was pregnant I called my doctor and started sobbing and she was like “This is literally the most common response I get from pregnant women after the initial surprise or happiness has

Dude. I drink until that stick I pee on tells me I’m pregnant. And even then? Wine happens, yo.

The U-pick-em pro-life responses to the Zika Virus:
“They shouldn’t have traveled to a third world country.”
“They shouldn’t live so close to a third world country.”
“They should’ve lived in another country.”
“They shouldn’t be having sex.”

wouldn’t that just be something like this? normally found off brand in the cookie aisle

I actually think it would be to Kit Kat’s great benefit to introduce a bar with a higher wafer:chocolate ratio. I’m always nibbling the chocolate off the outside of the wafers to create this effect, but it would be much more efficient for me to just have a version with increased wafer volume.

Egging property will get your shot dead in this country. Raping minors gets side eye for inappropriate behavior.

As we address the inappropriate behavior displayed by several students ...

The number of times I’ve forgotten I had drugs on me and got through security easily and didnt remember until I was off the plane is somewhere between 5 and 10.

I’ve never tried to do it, but I would imagine it would be super easy to get Ecstasy through airport security, no? Throw a few pills into an aspirin bottle, you’re good to go.