
Welp, I just woke up, but that’s enough Internet for today.

It’s definitely not good for the girl – she wasn’t raped, but this whole catastrophe has messed her up.

She understood enough to accuse the brown people.

My bestie spent 3 months in a similar facility. I should print one of her emails here (after redacting it). It was all about coffee ground facials, egg white masks, massages, eyebrow threading and the best blowouts she ever had. Also hand knitted slippers, fights over yarn and the needles, tennis lessons, yoga, Friday

Wow! How does a college freshman get involved with a 13-year-old girl? She probably wasn’t even in high school yet! The obvious conclusion is that they met online, developed some kind of relationship, he abducted her and then killed her in some kind of sick, twisted I-don’t-know-what kind of thing. My prayers for the

Do you also get the most incredulous faces? Like WHOA I AM A MAN YOU SEE ME RIGHT?

In a similar but unrelated note, I now bump into men who walk right into my path instead of moving to the side as we pass on narrow sidewalks.

Post-wine texted this to the ex-husband who keeps contacting me

Not to mention, disciplining your child for having inappropriate boundaries about their body by assaulting their body is fucked up on so many levels.

Being 14 and sending nudes is very bad. That’s when you sit your kid down, have a talk about how nothing disappears online and that will follow you around, sexual promiscuity, find the root of the problem, take away her phone, get her therapy and then you whip a battery at her head if all that doesn’t work.

Tears. Actual tears.

Beating your kid with a hockey stick while whipping a jump rope at her is not spanking.

Yeah, that sounds more like a beating.

I have a client that has two kids. They’ve been in private school since pre-school. By the time they graduate high school he will have spent about $850k on their education in tuition alone. Private school in L.A. is insane.

Yep. Totally normal price. It’s why I’m stuck at home right now till I find a job that pays enough to put my kid in care. It’s a balancing act.

I live in the midwest, and USD$1,400/month for a licensed, accredited daycare is about average, if not low.

“I’m suing you because I shot and killed you, am now under investigation, and therefore I am emotionally distressed.” Fuck this cop

Uhhh, isn't emotional distress part of the job description when you decided to become a police officer? It is literally your job to handle distressing situations. It's also the defense apologetics use when explaining why it's okay for you to kill unarmed civilians. This is an extra step of awful.