
I wondered if it was intentional on the part of the producers to highlight how vocal the other two minority women were against Jubilee, because their opinions got a lot of airtime.

I went to college in Maine for two years and definitely wore miniskirts in February. I found that eventually your legs just go numb which is...not great. Teenage girls are just dumb.

You are a television genius.

Maybe the producers are setting her up to be the first black Bachelorette?

A guy asked me out: he was in my class, handsome and funny, very clever. We dated, and at each point I felt under so much pressure to conform to his ideal person. He would get pissed for petty reasons, denigrate me, a few times he physically hurt me during sex way past the point of enjoyable. He was completely

My friend was dating a very controlling guy in college.

Most men dont do this stuff though.

I’ll never forget when I was dating this man three years ago and one day he proceeded to get strangely aggressive toward me and controlling. I looked him in the eye, tried my best not to look scared and proceeded as normal with cooking, and he backed off of his “weird mood.” But I felt like I escaped something. Then

You don’t feel there is any possible way to vet a person to a degree that you’d feel safe to date him without fear of being murdered if the relationship went sideways?

Yes, but that’s not really the point. Her friend was killed because of her ex boyfriend's anger towards her decision to break off the relationship. This is a fear women face while dealing with controlling significant others. It is an unfortunately reality that we have to deal with.

Not to undermine your point, but a man was also killed in this particular tragic scenario...

I can't believe that FC still has a lot of backing and support. This technique has done so much damage. I understand the need to connect with people who have severe disabilities and how easy it is to grasp at straws. My god, so many people have burned by this and it really needs to end.

Yeah, facilitated communication isn’t real. I understand why people are desperate for it to be real, and I do think its practitioners do believe in it, but that doesn’t mean it’s real.

Abstaining from sex with clients is a solid idea for most everyone, except where it’s specifically in the job description.

Abstaining from sex with clients is a solid idea for any therapist tbh

Not fucking long enough.

It’s great that you know what you want and don’t. I was 33 three years ago, and I kept googling “how do I know I want children.” Ambivalence is so much worse than knowing one way or another. Friends told me “well, if you feel ambivalent, it’s a sign you shouldn’t have one.” That turned out to be wrong, because, now

I’m 33, and now a lot of my peers are fully in baby making mode. My first reaction to a pregnancy announcement is always sadness, then bewilderment. That’s how I know I shouldn’t have kids. To me, it just sounds like a raw deal. Whatever prompts those people to want kids, I just don’t have.

Kate, I love you and this interview.