
When I was in highschool, one classmate started birth control pills and several months later, got pulmonary embolism. She nearly died. I was taking the same pills for 8 years with only good things to say about them.
So, health check ups are seriously very important. Blood clots do happen on BC pills and it’s better to

I was sexually assaulted by a former supervisor. He claimed I had been hitting on him all night so he just thought it would be ok to have sex with my unconscious body. His girlfriend found out and decided she would email me while cc’ing all of our coworkers about how I was some kind of whore for sleeping with her man.

I don’t mind educational posts. There was some pretty offensive stuff in there though. The insinuation that my ego is the driving force in my desire to expand my family? Who says that to someone they don’t know? And why blab on like that to someone who said they WEREN’T going to foster anyways?

She didn’t know your whole story and her admonitions are educational for others. Just let it go. She obviously just feels strongly about people getting informed before they foster.

Seriously. Your comments are clearly mildly facetious (at minimum), and you’re realistic and level-headed about your circumstances and feelings on fostering or adopting children. And this person swoops in and tries to chastise you for not writing a thorough novel regarding your fostering application, all whilst

Honestly, the more I think about your response, the more irked I get. You know zero about me. Nothing. Unless you’ve been obsessively following my SNS posts. I have no saviour complex. I have a heart with a big fucking hole in it where my lost babies were supposed to reside. I am dedicated as fuck when it comes to my

Dear terrible parents, If you have babies and don’t want them, please contact me. I have space for three and every intention of changing diapers, feeding regularly, and generally giving a crap.

I can't help but wonder if the sister was involved or at the minimum sleeping with him before her death.

Shit like this is why I live in the ‘burbs.

There is so much shit I would never do again if I were in a situation in life where other people did normal life requirements for me on the regular. Changing diapers is pretty goddamn high on the list. See also: laundry, vacuuming, cleaning out the back of the fridge.

Who would be surprised by this? I doubt he ever even changed his own children’s diapers. I think Kate and William are considered down to earth because they actually do those sorts of things. I would be surprised if the Queen even changed her children’s diapers, and if so probably not more than she wanted to. Royals

... I’m sure you’re joking. Because I change my kid’s diaper all the time despite having talked a bit naughty with my husband, because it turns out that dirty bedroom talk doesn’t prevent someone for caring for an infant.

If I were royal, rich, famous, whatever, I for sure would employ full-time diaper changers. Diapers are vile.

They weren’t justifying it or saying it was okay. Just spreading some glimmer of hope that he didn’t go on to victimize more children.

Yes. Exactly. I work with survivors. I am just sharing research. They are contributing to the abuse of children. Good lord, I never thought sharing research would obtain so much backlash.

According to TMZ (shitty source, I know) they were “considerably younger than 15 or 16 year olds.”

Yeah I've been involved in a case (as a witness, by the way), and investigators are fairly thorough. They aren't going after people with images that are in a grey area. It's usually....disgustingly obvious.

Research has shown there is not a large overlap between child porn users (non-contact) and contact sex offenders.... if that brings you any solace. Statistically, he would not be likely to be both.

I just thought about how many teens and preteens were into Glee when it was big, and how the actors from the show did a couple in-character concert tours, and how easy it would be for a performer who was in that situation and had a taste for child porn and no morals whatsoever to invite a 13-year-old groupie backstage

Reporter: Hey Mark, where did you get those earrings?