Geer Boggled

“Upon further review...that was awesome. First down!”

All sports should have a catch all “Rule of Awesome” exception to any rule. Sink a full court inbounds pass? Take your three points. Snag a screaming line drive by throwing your glove or hat at it? That’s an out.

I kind of think that football should have what I call “The Rule of Awesome.” Which is, if a play is amazing, it should be allowed to stand even if there were other reasons why the play could be called back.

For my sons’ rec team, every year for the last practice before winter break I tell them if anyone can make a half court shot (one shot each) then we’ll be done with drills and just scrimmage for the last hour of practice. Last night after the first six kids missed, the most timid shooter on the team (not a bad shooter

Bill Cartwright style

“In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The police, who are are trying to plant some shit on me, and bitch I got lawyer money.”

Working on it

By the way, on Saturday, Cadet Simone Askew will make history:

Catch These Hans.
Vote Solo.

More importantly, when did the girl from The Ring become a ref?

Meanwhile, literally anywhere else:

On that note, it appears they’re... around.

A Ford GT article goes from 0-jorts in just 2 comments. Ugh.

6-43 shooting?

Did you fight over fancy chairs vs normal chairs? Because FUCK fancy chairs. They want like 5 or 10 extra dollars per chair for some bullshit nobody is going to notice.

Australia. If it’s not spiders in the car, it’s crocodiles tearing people to pieces.

In 1989, my godmother was taking a shower, when she looked up and saw a huntsman spider roughly the size of a dinner plate right above her head. She thought, ‘no worries, I will just calmly and quietly finish up this shower before he has a chance to move.’ Right at that moment, the Newcastle earthquake stuck, rattling