My Damn Croissants

Ditto, overall I preferred Vol. 2 to the first one. I keep thinking back to the Mary Poppins line and getting all teary eyed.

Shoudda cast Michael Rooker instead….

Trying not to read any reviews, but I was wondering something: yay or nay for seeing this in IMAX? Is it the best way to see it, like it was for Prometheus? The trailers make this look more violent and action packed than the last one, which could translate to a more jittery style of shooting and cutting and the use of

C'mon! I just wrote a long ass, well thought out response, only to click post and find out that the comment had been deleted!

Coincidentally, what you've got is EXACTLY what I did ask for, but to no avail….


Uggghh, ya know I really hate to shit on a small indie film like this, but Christ did this movie suck. I caught the world premiere, and the QA with the directors afterwards was one of the saddest experiences of my life, I've never seen an audience react so indifferently to a film.

Literally the first time I ever had sex, my dumbass Yorkie jumped on the bed and took a shit.

Don't be silly, there's nothing scary bout that at all……

God dammit I was too slow!

Hell, we've gotten to the point where Jonhny Knoxville movies are BETTER than De Niro movies.

It wasn't. It was a GREAT story.

I remember somebody in my high school ethics class doing a project on The Armenian Genocide , but the first slide of their power point read in big dramatic lettering "THE AMERICAN GENOCIDE". and sure enough during her whole presentation that's what she kept referring to it as again and again.

Actually, I'm pretty sure Serj Tankian wrote a song for the film.

Upvoted for the mere mention of Murder Party, goddamn more people need to see that movie

oooooh boy, I found the Southland tales fans! I don't think I could ever make a coherent argument for ST over Donnie Darko, but I definitely find myself revisiting it (and showing it to all my friends) way more often.

Figures you'd like it, Southland Tales is basically what a well shot and well acted Neil Breen movie would look like.

Even with my dying breath, I'd stand up for every last second of Southland Tales.

Pfffft, next you're gonna tell me Zach Snyder isn't actually a visionary director!

Well I for one am I big fan of Dehaan, he's got a such weird presence that I find oddly compelling.