My Damn Croissants

With all that taken into account, I'd say the Dark Tower books are definitely not gonna be your cup of tea then.

Those first 3 are pretty great, I'd say revisit em and see if they get you hooked enough to wade through the later one's. If you enjoy all the references to other King books, and the general feeling that he's just making up crazy shit as he goes along, then the rest of the series isn't a total waste of time, and

I was once scratching a dog's ear when the owner spotted me and screamed "STOP MASTURBATING MY DOG!"

There isn't enough commenters on this site to give this comment the amount of upvotes it deserves. I swear I nearly choked when I read this…

The writing really hurt the GITS remake. It was the sort of movie where you can spot the bad guy in the first minute cause he immediately mentions "weapons" and "his corporation". Real shame, cause I'd go as far as to say that just about everything else about it was actually pretty great.

Tell that to Neil Cicierega

I can only speak for myself of course, but among the people I hang out with I'd say (As someone below already has) only Smash Mouth tops them in terms of easy musical targets for mockery.

Ugghhh, you sound just like my pastor.

yeah, I'm not trynna say that was literally all there was too it. It's just, as someone who makes fun of LP on practically a daily basis, that's the first thing that came to mind, just how much that sorta thing would probably fuck someone up.

I didn't say THE most mocked

I've never even been on 4chan in my life, but sure let's go with that.

Cuse they're egotistical dickbags, where Chester obviously had some real issues, and actually cared about his music? That would be my guess

Not trying to be funny or anything , but seriously, it was the memes that killed him. I can't imagine what it's like having to deal with depression and addiction when you're such a huge object of ridicule all around the world. Just this morning (like many before today) at work we were making cracks about Linkin Park,

That must be quite the life you have

Will I like "A Quiet Passion" if I have a history of taking off my shirt?

I suppose, but Thom's face kinda looks more like he's already been punched…..a lot.

I just came here to say that "Speed Racer" is a damn masterpiece.

Crap, you beat me to it

So we've got a comedian eating Infinite Jest.

There's a tabloid headline I've been seeing all week, "Tom Cruise holds auditions for new wife!". Between that and his propensity for pain and torture, I'm now hoping there's a remake of Takashi Miike's "Audition" somewhere in his future.