My Damn Croissants

Sadly, this has been getting pretty much across the board the worst reviews in Herzog's career. and his more recent fiction film, Salt and Fire, isn't fairing much better :(

I dunno, that also sounds terrifying.

If you watch a decent amount of horror movies, I gotta say Shudder's sooooooo worth it. Great mix of old and new stuff, plus for the short time they've been around they've already got some really strong exclusive content.

Well, like any cinematic rule, it shouldn't be taken as "this is the way to do it 100% of the time". Nonetheless, the sort of choppy editing the article bemoans is a hallmark of bad action films, where the filmmaker doesn't know how to stage action scenes properly so the editor is left to stitch together a bunch of

Yeah, there's really no other images in cinema burned quite as deeply into my brain as those faces at the end of Inland Empire.

Strangely enough, The Trial is still the only Welles I've seen, and boy is it fan-fucking-tastic. And thanks for the wonderful comment, reminds me I need to finally get around to watching Kane asap.

Yeup, I remember reading that version of the screenplay. The script is bookended with scenes of them in their old age, seemingly having continued to erase and re-meet each again and again throughout their whole lives. It's a while ago I read it so I could a be a bit off, but I think the very last scene was of the

And whadda ya know, my libraries got "Collected Fictions". Thank you sir, you've just made my week!

I've never even heard of Borges before, just looked him up outta curiosity and he sounds awesome. What'd be a good place to start with him?

Not reading the reviews. Been waiting my whole life for a good Wolverine movie, so this is like a holy grail for me.

Yeeeeup, and those are all the ones I haven't seen. I just wanna know if plot/character development wise I'd be missing anything crucial if I skipped em for now.

I'm at least 4 or 5 X-movies behind (I've lost track), anything I need to catch up on before seeing this?

Well, y'all SHOULD care very much for Saulnier's debut, Murder Party. It's a fucking hoot, legitimately in my top 5 horror comedies. It's probably got more in common with this one than to Saulnier's other films, except it's much more original and well directed.

That would be the thoroughly awful X3, cuse I'm pretty sure the claw licking cat was from X2.

Ummmm, well all the way back in grade 4 I was reading this book about comedians and came across her, noticing she had the same last name as my math teacher. I asked him bout it and he claimed to be her uncle or cousin or something like that. Thinking back, I can't for the life of me tell if he was fuckin with me or

wiiiiith youuuuuuuu!!!

I've seen 90 minutes films that felt twice as long as Love Exposure, that movie is such a breeze.

Naw man, I'd be down for it!

Mhhhhh, and I just watched "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" back to back. o_o

Yeup, putting it at 2x speed it sounded perfectly normal.