My Damn Croissants

Haha I just watched Splinter too. The creature seemed pretty cool from what I could tell, too bad the cameraman had Parkinsons though.

Wow, for the first time since high school I'm actually mildly curious about a new Avenged Sevenfold release. Gotta give them credit for being a great gateway metal band for 14 year olds, and City of Evil still sort of holds up for me.

Well I don't consider myself much of a songwriter even now, but back in high school when I could barely play guitar I could still crap out lame pop-rock jingles that would sound right at home on mainstream rock radio. Give a kid a guitar and teach him power chords and in a couple weeks he could be writing songs at at

If you like that, I'd definitely recommend the rest of the film. It was definitely Zombie moving outside his comfort zone, and unfortunately this new one sounds like several steps back for him.

Why not both? I think Bong's got a more consistent filmography, but nothing tops Oldboy or Lady Vengeance for me.

This is just my personal experience, how exactly it differs from yours I can't say, but here goes:

The biggest dildo? So Skrillex opened the box and Leto jumped out at him?

Personally found this waaay scarier than the Babadook. Maybe not a better movie overall, but easily the scariest horror film since It Follows.

It's alright, but jesus christ it is miles above the original. Uggggh, why that film is on criterion I will never understand.

I got you bro! Easily his most gorgeous movie, at the very least.

My prayers are finally answered!

What's this now, ream Stephen King publicly?

All the gossip rags on the shelves here at work tell me they're getting divorced literally every week……so this is just kinda surreal.

I remember a wild dog getting inside while she's chained up, and it was pretty tense. Then we switch to dog's POV and it starts narrating……I never got any further than that.

I remember throwing this book at the wall really hard…..

super high IMDB and RT score so far, where exactly have you been looking?

And my avatar see's you!

Haha and that's not even the freakiest part for me, the drowning face right after is even worse. One of my favorite movies, those last 30 or so minutes are so racked with tension it never loses it's effect no matter how many times I watch it.

Best film of the year for me, and I'd be damn impressed if anything in the next few months could beat it. For anyone who liked The VVitch, THIS IS A MUST SEE! It's got the gorgeously suffocating atmosphere, historical intelligence and pitch perfect performances of that film, but it's less one-noted and stagey and much

I literally just started a diet……god fucking dammit.