My Damn Croissants

Was having a conversation at work bout BLM, the shootings, etc, and people walking by feel the need to randomly interject ''All lives matter!''

Over the top acting does NOT equal bad acting. Going over the top is just one of the endless amount of tools in an actor's arsenal. Some suck at it, others are Nicolas Cage.

Sadly, I have a friend who really does think Phantoms is the bomb…..yo.

Wait, is he homeless or does he kill homeless people?

I've never really seen people doing it maliciously (though I'm hardly the most perceptive person), it's just what seems to come naturally to most. That guys are the ones who should do the manual labor is just the norm for most dopes raised here in the suburbs.

I hate roommates…..

My whole life it's never been something that's bugged me. I'm a straight
male, but for me that's just a biological fact and has no real bearing
on who I am as person (other than simply who I sleep with, obviously). I'm perfectly comfortable doing something or acting in a way that typically a straight male wouldn't.

woop woop MTL represent!

Just today a local film festival announced a screening of the restored ''On the Silver Globe''……I am squealing with excitement.

When I went to see Popstar there was a trailer for Kevin Hart's new stand-up movie thingy , and I swear instead of showing a single joke there's just a montage of him making various weird shrill noises.

Maybe he should be the new ghostface?

Well Scary Movie was originally ''Last Summer I Screamed Because Halloween Fell on Friday the 13th''……to be fair though, I can't imagine what you'd call a sequel to THAT.

Oh they will eventually….it just takes some time.

Jeez, I'd completely forgotten that Av Club staff is actually one giant hive mind, and not in fact a large collection of individual writers with completely unrelated tasks and responsibilities. You tell em!

They're all practiced liars, and that there's no benefit in understanding them/they're not understandable. You also seem to assume trying to understand why offenders do what they do and trying to help cure them of their desires translates to sympathizing with them and taking their offenses lightly. Like I said, you

That seems like a lot of thin generalizations and assumptions in your first few sentences, care to elaborate?

well you're not doing a great job…

I was about halfway through this comment when I realized it wasn't a joke. Now I just feel kinda sad….

…nice comment…

Actually, he kept going through the whole movie.