My Damn Croissants

And then let's him live peacefully in his ocean kingdom thingy???

But doesn't Namor decide to just let Nitro live peacefully in his ocean kingdom thingy?

I liked how Logan just ditches all the superhero bickering and actually tries to catch the guy responsible in the first place, whereas everyone else seemed to just forget about Nitro.

I swear I won't be gone long….just give me one hot minute.

This is almost enough to make me close the internet and get back to work…..

I strongly second this. A little funny, little scary, and lots of Ray Wise. What more could anyone need?

that's EXACTLY how my mother raised me…..

No Gasper Noe cumshot?

I've come back from the future to warn you!!!

Awwwwww…I though this was Donald Kaufman's "The 3".

In Ultimate Spider-Man she's pretty far removed from the usual Aunt May, and is probably the best version of the character as a result.

well then it must be true! I read it on gawker after all…

I never cum for porn…only for Vin Diesel.

I came here expecting Vin Diesel…

Dafuq? I could swear this was never on the homepage.

Phew, I was worried you guys were completely ignoring this one. Hope for a review soon, this is one of the best films I've seen in the last year. Tense as hell, but also way more depth and nuance that just about any horror/thriller your likely to watch anytime soon.

Mhhhhhh, except Kanye doesn't rap on that song…..

There's already a couple of Japanese live action Death Note films, apparently they're pretty solid.

Maybe it's cuse the rest of the movie was such a bore, but I remember loving the POV scene in Doom.

Johnson's best performance? Me and Richard Kelly would highly disagree!