My SIL and I just recently said the exact same thing. Who is more qualified than those of us who lived this bullshit day in and day out for decades and learned how to survive (and thrive) along the way?
My SIL and I just recently said the exact same thing. Who is more qualified than those of us who lived this bullshit day in and day out for decades and learned how to survive (and thrive) along the way?
This weekend I had occasion to dining with two men who were the epitome of tough and masculine. One is a retired Navy seal. The other is a professional bodybuilder whose name would be recognized by some people on the site.
Woman knows more about a subject than man and calls him out for it. Man refuses to accept new information or be flexible in views, disregards woman’s repeated attempts to get through to him...more breaking news at 5!
I just commented that too! It was truly so wild, like they felt they had to “stand up” and protect men...but never stand up for women because like enough people focus on that. Those poor poor men.
As men lined up to explain on Madeline Davies “Becoming Ugly” article, sexually assaulting women is harmless. Hurting a man’s balls, on the other hand, is evil incarnate.
Then I’ll be tried and convicted for assault because this is Trump’s America.
he’ll cry about how he’s being persecuted. I think he may need a safe space.
This, they always say the left is fragile and has no “balls”, and then when we mobilize and flex on them they cry like the little emasculated bitches they truly are. They want to call us leftist thugs, so be it. This liberal is ready for a fight.
I think you mean VAGINA!!!!!!!!!!!!
It must REALLY chap your ass that we taxpayers, via Medicare, pay for penis pills, pumps, and implants. Old men should accept impotence for what it really is, God’s will.
Sex is one of the few animal activities that people do (other than eating, sleeping and pooping). You cannot hold back the animal part of you. That’s why so many rampant homophobes get caught having gay sex. If you could trample that stuff down, many more people would. Many people wouldn’t risk EVERYTHING for it. So…
You just angry that no women will have sex with you?
This was easier to commit to before I realized that my visceral revulsion to Trump (his issues, positions, and co-conspirators notwithstanding) was exacerbated by having been raised by a manipulative, narcissistic, mentally ill parent who embraced a very loose interpretation of “truth” — so I may need therapy.
Or C) angry sad little men who cannot find someone to voluntarily have sex with them.
Yep. This is the equivalent of me being mistaken countless times for the one other Black woman in my workplaces (except my current workplace - there are lots of Black people here!), despite her being 20 years older or six inches shorter or three shades darker or having dreadlocks when I don’t or having worked there 25…
Well, not as rarely or as often as people seem to think. It largely depends on where and which orcas.
Oh, just stop. Maybe read at least one book about her before you throw that around. Then read twelve more.
Most male anythings don’t live as long as females.
My theory is that many men who are in relationships with very beautiful women tend to be shallow assholes, so of course the fact that they can get one beautiful woman to agree to be with them exclusively does not make them feel lucky and blessed, it makes them feel like they should see if they can “do” even better.…
most harm that comes to women is by men no matter the race. Men cause most of the pain women suffer in the world.