
To your final point, the sad thing is that we were still trying to conceive when the election happened. I remember thinking how excited I was that this baby’s whole existence would have started within the specter of a woman president. Instead...whatever this is instead.

Dear baby Jesus, please let it be hannity. And let it be because the Russians have something on him.

Yeah we would. Hillary would still be female, thus too icky for the bros to vote for.

Paul Ryan also is fairly young—mid 40s. He’s the first presidential/vice presidential candidate to be younger than I am. That he is so selfishly cruel and mean just appalls me.

Of course not, and that applies to any question that asks if a republicon scumbag has any factual information to base their decisions on. Their decision tree is as follows:

There are millions of sites and books for this, sometimes I hate men.

This. It’s about men being allowed to control and trap women. Poor white male voters are mad. The best way to appease them is to give them women. This has been the plan FOR BASICALLY ALL HUMAN HISTORY. Appease poor men by giving them fucktoys and broodmares. That’ll keep them complacent enough to vote Republican and

He also very carefully leaves out the OTHER “viable being” who contributed to the situation, you know, the male.

Privilege and the pointing-out thereof is an offence to Meritocracy™. “What do you mean I didn’t achieve all this by my superior self? I was born with better genes, how dare you mention a silver spoon?” Et cetera.

“White men are attached to the belief that their achievements are entirely personally earned.” This would be the truth. As my friend says “Born on third base, and thinks he hit a triple.”

This is a great explanation that I find very on point. In addition, it means they have to question if they actually deserved all the things they have.

Megyn Kelly’s goodbye statement = I’m dumping you because I got into my 1st choice college. You were my first. No hard feelings?

Posted something similar. As a woman on the spectrum, I’ve found that I end up in more friendships with men due to the way we enculture boys and girls differently. Women tend to be raised to read between the lines, give support without it being asked for, etc.; this is a skill set I lack, and I think that many of my

As a woman on the high end of the autismmspectrum, while I’ve never thought/said “women are terrible/I prefer friendships with men,” I may be able to give a bit of insight.

Having been raised in a conservative area that had very distinct and enforced gender roles, as a girl who wasn’t socially talented or literate, I

And during that entire time, there is a human being in that body, seeing, feeling, suffering, wanting more, knowing that there could be more but that society is telling her, no, this is what you are., this is who you are because you were born a woman. You are just this. You are not fully human.

These are always the most ridiculous responses to feminine products and their accoutrement. And it always seems to be the most boastful guy about sex and girls. When I’ve told other guys (when I was younger) that I buy tampons and deal with all that stuff for my girlfriends and they cringe, I go equally as juvenile

You don’t even have to disagree with them. At all. Suddenly they’ll turn on you for doing everything “right,” show disgust and pity at your foolishness for believing their lies, and boot you out on the street.

From one Greer to another, I’ve often wanted to look dear old-apparently-related Germaine up and slightly challenge that assertion of hers - that women have no idea how much men hate us.

I was commissioned as an Air Force officer in 76. I kicked, punched and clawed my way through, until they broke me.