We have those in California, too. Other than Sacramento, which is inland, they’re what makes up the populations that don’t live by the coast.
We have those in California, too. Other than Sacramento, which is inland, they’re what makes up the populations that don’t live by the coast.
White people are the worst, but since college-educated white women were the only white demographic that majority-voted for Clinton instead of Trump, are you really going to say that they’re worse than white men?
Cho could have not answered the email, though. Or told Swinton that she didn’t want to have that conversation. Swinton even said “feel free to tell me to fuck off” (or something like that). Nobody is saying that Cho was out of line if she felt uncomfortable, but she then put herself deeper into that position, when she…
Patton has been knocking it out of the park lately.
Tammy Duckworth too.
Oh god, this is while they were filming, right?
He has the same silhouette as William Howard Taft in that picture, but is lacking the fly mustache.
Same here, though I’m in California.
Followed very closely by “well-educated woman with an opinion who would never in a million years have sex with me and that hurts my ego.”
Which countries are at the top of your list?
3am NY time is 11am Moscow time, so you may be on to something there.
What’s Val Kilmer up to these days?
That’s so true. And what gets me, is what the fuck do those young white men on Reddit have to be so angry about that they get radicalized?
She was supposed to make them feel coddled and reassure them that would always be superior to everyone, and that every move she made would benefit them the most.
Was this before or after he got with David?
Is that you? That woman is gorgeous.
I want to know if Jill Stein still thinks that Hillary would have been worse than Cheeto Mussolini now.
Richard Ayoade might just be the most attractive man on the planet.
They’re going to comment anyway.
You know, Duckworth’s disabled status might actually not hinder her in that respect, since she got it serving the country as a pilot, and still went on to accomplish all that she has. I live in an area with several military bases and have the misfortune of living in the same apartment complex as a handful of those…