
8/10 would boop

I have a mutt we got from a shelter - we reckon he’s a staffy crossed with something bigger (what, exactly, we have no idea), and his ears look like they were taken off a different dog entirely and stuck on the wrong place on his head. My mother-in-law, when we showed her his photo from the shelter, said he was “the

They’re cute when they’re cute, they’re cute when they’re ugly and they’re cute when they’re somewhere in between so can we all just please agree that there’s no such thing as an ugly dog? I say this as a fervent chihuahua hater who finds even those shaky yappy rodents cute too.

Are you guys competing for who has the fluffiest story today or something?

Could have been worse, it could have been Walmart.

I mean, in all of the hypothetical kidnapping situations I could find myself in, this is the one I’d want.

I mean...I can’t say that I didn’t laugh at this headline. BUT, I’m so glad the family was able to get away from this maniac without harm or incident.

I think I am going to love this movie. I am not Asian. I am Mexican with a gringo husband but we love to watch “people like us” in movies and on TV. I call them “people like us” because this couple may not have our same ethnicities or even have gone through exactly the same cultural adjustments we went through but it

Might as well throw that Miles Teller kid in there while we’re here.

Daniel Day-Lewis can go, but he has to take Tom Cruise, Casey Afflek and Adam Sandler with him.

Collins accepted the role because of her own past with disordered eating, something she has written about in her memoir, Unfiltered, which came out earlier this year. She also worked with a nutritionist to get down to her character’s size in the “healthiest way possible.”

I hate to say this, but this is where the big money liberal donors need to flock to. This is the man that Hollywood needs to throw five figure per plate dinners. This is the game that has been established so its the game that needs to be played. Paying for the ads that call out just how awful Ryan is for his

Goddamn if the ads against him shouldn’t be:

StachePAC needs to be a real thing.

See, the Democrats need to be strategic and hit where the Republicans are weakest and most vulnerable. With a motherfucker like Paul Ryan, that’s clearly “Leg Day”

Seeing Paul Ryan lose would be amazing.

Right? Ryan’s projecting hard, there, given his own stable of special interest friends.

“Washington and defend his liberal special interest friends.”