Does he live on Cornellia street, with a room for you, have a large dog and is name Dr. Chynn
Does he live on Cornellia street, with a room for you, have a large dog and is name Dr. Chynn
Once had a cat that ate the tinsel from the xmas tree, and her poop would trail our her but on the the tinsel.
Well the rest of my day is now shot.
Trebek is the most condescending ass, especially to woman. Here he is saying the kid got it wrong because he added a p, when in fact it was the t. Fuck you Trebek. Where is Sean Connery when you need him most?
MY gf just moved in and she has a nicer mattress than mine which is a very nice pillow top, but has had years of action so a bit broken. We put it on the curb for pickup yesterday but someone took it before. Why it was old, stained and broken. The nice leather chair that just need to be reupholster no one took, but…
Oh fuck yeah, small frozen coke for dinner.
I was led to understand you aren't supposed to open the envelopes and they were for good luck. I work for a chinese company and just have them in a drawer (not like the two bucks is going to make me rich).
Can we have a serious conversation about this so-called adults who can't make a decision without asking relatives, friends, friends of friends, the clergy etc. Jesus people grow the fuck up already. My local community that has an active chat site and everyday people are asking about where to dispose of dead birds…
Speaking of which, did you see the Way Way Back. Good movie.
First every person is responsible for their own orgasms, really if you aren't going to get there just enjoy what you can, or be happy the other person is enjoying it.
Searchers is alas over rated, a more apt commentary and better film is The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, while not dealing with the Indian Question (see Cheyenne August) it does deal more effectively with this imagined slight/diminishment of the American Male Myth.
total a good investment OWN is going nowhere it needs a ratings powerhouse like LiLo. Look how well that Liz Taylor movie did, and The Canyons was in a frenzy bidder war with distributors. Or am I misremembering. But really just get her to lay off the botox and I'll be happ.
What, he will have a job at Fox before this week is out. Make more money then all of us for a few months, then blow it all within a year.
Well is Jessica and Caity and the rest want to start their own website I"ll certain eschew Denton-land for theirs. I come for their writing not his ownership.
I now want to move to Norway.
Really, since I have friends I wouldn't know, do they give out cheap shirts for a bridal party I thought it was cuff links and vibrators.
Rooney really should play garbo.
Isn't it against the law for a member of the armed services to be tattoo'd? I do believe it is destruction of property or some such, I dated a Air Force woman who said she couldn't get a tat for that very reason, but evidently they turn a blind eye for the men.