
Judging by how she is treated in Ted, you have to realize he (McFarlin)just doesn't like woman.

I have a ductless system I and a friend (who worked for an installer) built ourself after my house was in a fire, we had the people redoing the house install the tubing. Alas they screwed up the wiring so I can't do temperature controller. Because of the humidity in the NE we get a lot of condensation on the units

I've said it before, your picture is too distracting.

Thing that gets me is that not only can woman wear shorts to work, and skirts, and tank tops, and leggings but they can wear sandals as well. Me I have to wear a shirt and a pair of slacks, no I go with Linen cause it is light but it wrinkles so I have that, but I then have to wear shoes, and they are hot, and they

Just notice Barrowman has his own conference/meeting/whatever they call it at ComicCon this year, I'm hoping it is full of the gays an the jezzies.

No that is a very fine ass, tight, firm, with a lift and not a lot of heft, definitely my favorite brand of ass.

As an aside if Erin's image above winked like that goober over on gawker I think I'd melt.

Personally I'm bringing a present for the kids, first it keeps them busy so you can visit and second they appreciate it much more than anything I can bring for an adult.

you made me laugh, congrats.

That is a much nicer ass.

Gah it looks terrible, and trite and redundant, and how many shrinks can Jane Lynch play before she has to get membership in the APA?

Ah much better.


Once again, glad to be a man with a teen-aged son. You woman are complex.


Is that the neighborhood from Freaks and Geeks?

Actually it is a scam, the sell you those badges to put on your car with the theory being a cop will see you gave money to the FOP or some organization and not give you a ticket. I suspect the cops give them more tickets.

According to her linkedin profile she was a student tobacco sales person, wow good job canada.

This just makes me miss Caty doing Thatz Not Okay even more, I assume she is on vacation, but this is seriously under snarked.

For me it extended my doomed marriage by at least three years. I mean one less thing to fight over.