Living deep in the bible-belt and being a 30-something, vagina-having, marriage-free, childless, world traveling, home owning, sex liking woman with no plans to change any of those things, I get the "why buy the cow" comment quite often.
Living deep in the bible-belt and being a 30-something, vagina-having, marriage-free, childless, world traveling, home owning, sex liking woman with no plans to change any of those things, I get the "why buy the cow" comment quite often.
<3 Lindy <3
I like her just fine. She is over the top and spoiled and ridiculous but at least she is honest about it. She doesn't live a fabulously wealthy lifestyle and pretend to be just a regular chick and I appreciate that. She has a crazy diet and exercise routine and is honest about that, too. None of this "I live on…
Oh, me too. I can't hit the radio button fast enough to get away. Whoever let Garrison Keillor sing should be pilloried.
She doesn't have a dick but she sure is a dick for the way she wrote this article.
Oh, WOMEN! You weirdos!
From the United States Code Title 4 Chapter 1 section 8j: No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform.
The headline made me think that this would be a clip from the TV show Children's Hospital and I was so confused.
It pretty much boils down to..
I'm sorry, but the doctors in Myth #2 are crazy. Eating carbs releases insulin. Eating carbs a lot releases more insulin, cells become insulin resistant. Pancreas produces more insulin and more insulin until it shuts down and now you have Type 2 Diabetes.
fuck you, Airwolf is better and always will be.
Look up Gary Taubes.
Damn, Amy Adams wore the shit outta that bathing suit.
For some reason La Lawrence reminds me of an '80s Theresa Russell
Please stop commenting on my articles, dad.
Tracie, you may think this Betty we know right now wouldn't live in a shithole, but I'm pretty sure people thought that about the Beales, too, at the time (I mean in the late 60's). Mental illness literally does crazy shit to people!
I'm just going to state a fact that not very many people seem to be aware of: