My bird IS the word

This gets a pass from me when alot of these don’t. Key reasons being it is reasonably retro,and they kept an original style interior.

I mean, avoiding traffic sure. I would still own a car though.

Unless your car was made by nazis... but they stopped making beetles in the 70s.

Most civilized place in the world. Ok. Go to... say myrtle beach and strike up a conversation with strangers. Compare that to new york in literally any part. One of these places people will treat you decent. It isn’t new york.

Ahh. perhaps we should walk everywhere instead. Or ride bikes, in mountainous terrain, in the winter. Or teleport! CARS ARE NAZIS.

I am planning on utilizing bumper stickers for jokes, gags, and a sticker reminding people to drive safe because full insurance coverage on my piece of shit is impossible to get reasonably and I have spent years of my life repairing it.

I like the idea that we will eventually forget about this, and in thousands of years when we are exploring space this tesla will start accumulating space parking tickets.

If it’s on a piece of paper that he read and signed; Cena is screwed. This is how contracts work.

So sunglasses while horseback riding then? The problem is there is no way I am going to remember this story the one or two times I do this in my life.

I hope the increase in sales offsets the shitton of lawyer fees for a case you probably won’t win.

I’m just being a shit. There is a reason we spend (and admittedly waste) so much money on army tech. It’s not a waste per se, its just a necessary evil, much like all weaponry.

Boy, maybe we should have stuck with biplanes in 1939. Monoplanes didn’t have that big of an advantage

all immigration bullshit aside, isn’t this against due process?

why on god’s green earth would I buy a big mac when I can get three mcdoubles for under 5 bucks?

That cow was hit with a monstrous amount of energy.

It’s not a “privilege” to work anywhere, it is a business transaction. Thinking like this is precisely how worker abuses take place.

I am pretty sure this was one of those cars you talked about in your article, an original one. This was like a feature tent of old chevy race cars. There was another lighter one and some rad corvettes as well.

I took a picture of this awesome corvair at the vintage grand prix:

rip pebbles, YOU WILL BE AVENGED.