My bird IS the word

Your headlines could use moderating. This particular one would not be considered well in an office and headlines like that, in big, bold print, will simply get the site blocked from more corporate locations. As an aside, do the authors really think that the language used entices people to the site? Is that what you

Because GM is where good ideas go to die. Look at GM history, great ideas, strong engineering but either never executed or if executed done so poorly it flops. 

So you’re saying Roman Polanski... came in a little behind?


at this point who cares anymore? the younger generation have no idea who the company is, the older generation will only stick the mangusta and pantera, and the middle generation just wishes they could afford one

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time”

Can confirm been hard since I read 1000hp.

It also may fix erectile dysfunction.

I sense amazing marketing tie-in potential here...

Im saying I’m sorry you’re like this.

Somehow it’s so much worse then I ever imagined.

Short seller!!!!

He’s referring to phones that run e-i-e-iOS.

Agreed - not sure if they kept it AWD but if they did, I’d say the same thing there. Looking at their website it appears they offer a sequential transmission but I’m amazed that even that thing can take 3500 hp. Which makes me wonder about the 3500 hp claim. Even on leaded race gas, that’s an insanely high number to

“Inherently reasonable” is a very arguable point.   Counterpoint could be any number of vulgarisms followed by the word “off”.

1st Gear:

Speed Racer is awesome whose beauty is not easily understood.

Some historical notes:

I imagine being a career criminal is like having an addiction to gambling. They don’t think they will get caught and keep doing it until their luck runs out.