My bird IS the word

485 is 85 more horsepower than a stock viper R/T 1st gen

for 50 grand, you can get an R/T and spend 15 k supercharging it yourself and know it hasn’t been fucked around with, so CP.

Sounds like corporate trolling to me. Good on you McDonalds.

this kinda looks like a step backwards. literally, a step back into the 90s. cool, but not from a business perspective.

Not a mini cooper, please. No warranty on earth will make up for it.

Sorry, but nostalgia can only make up for so much. I’ll keep my digital cameras.

NFS hasn’t been good in literally years. And they copied forza

Your first mistake was thinking anything of value could be derived from twitter.

Men wearing dark suits and sunglasses at night said no drugs were involved.

Conspiracy theorists are explained in psychology as desperately trying to make themselves “safe” by inventing problems that don’t exist, so their very awareness makes them “safer” than everyone else. It’s a weird concept, but nobody said much of brain function made sense.

They probably will, just for your parents’ stuff.

The wallets at Kohl’s didn’t cost any more with RFID blockers, so why does it matter? backpacks seem kind of excessive though.

For the record, it is more a philosophical discussion on ethics. The author is of the virtue ethics persuasion, punisher is more utilitarian.

He does put quite a bit of research into these.

mini didn’t make the entire cooling system out of cheap plastic, renault did.

Those boring Korean cars are pretty reliable. I can’t say the same about my mini with it’s Renault-sourced n14 engine.

If he wants the event to go on, and not be destroyed by the local government that will probably have to be the case.

I haven’t been, but I never see domestics mentioned at these types of shows.

Maybe he needs to cancel it for a few years until this bullshit dies down, and then reopen. Specify that slammed cars will not be allowed to show at the event.