My bird IS the word

The fact that many of them are not is the problem. Yet, it is the police’s fault for shooting insane people that shouldn’t have been free in the first place.

Do they allow weapons in the psychiatric institutions around you? No, because that would be dangerous. Schizophrenic armed people have a habit of killing others. Ted Bundy was mentally ill. Yes, being mentally ill makes you dangerous. If anyone is to blame, it is the psychiatric institutions who believe that they can

what was the imminent threat that caused the officers to open fire?

No, they aren’t geniuses. However, they are one of the few shows that actually treat their viewers as intelligent or at least able to handle complex topics, which is why everyone is latching on to it.

Well it is the Safety Vehicle 1, which is kind of hilarious because it’s a sports car. Smoking isn’t safe for anyone, Don’t do drugs kids! #H&SV1

Boy, isn’t he such a good businessman? I can’t wait until Ford does a compilation of all those pintos that exploded!

I believe they put modern speed sensors on non driven wheels for that reason.

If I am remembering correctly, I recall reading an article describing how bringing the car to the U.S was a goal of the project from the beginning.

30,ooo puts this cheaper than both a caterham and a morgan 3 wheeler, so I am interested.

Some states have a full on ban (I looked this up the other day) other DMVs give you shit because of alot of technical reasons. however, even in the states with bans you can register it in a friendly state and then transfer the title.

So what you are saying is that I got to buy another HMMWV? lol.

still about 6k including a trailer.

no, I’m talking about the new ones rated at 5,000 pounds. plenty for a car+trailer, way insufficient for this.

Ah, but that military surplus lyfe tho

Ehh. cool, but doesn’t have the same ring to it as “humvee prerunner”

I don’t care about performance, moreso cost. But if these are not “legal for road use” (which I’m pretty sure they actually are, same as old 40s-50s-60s jeeps are) I don’t want to have to buy a full size pickup just to own one.

Better, but still too heavy with a trailer.

I mean I would be willing to go through the pain of road registration but I would still have to rent a damn uhaul just to get it home, and then possibly get denied.

I’m pretty sure these are mostly aluminum actually. Imagine if they weren’t (shudder)

The problem is weight. I think these are something like 6000 lbs, which means you need a giant ass truck to tow them. I would love to get one but (including the trailer) no way in hell a 4Runner can tow this.