My bird IS the word

You should consider yourself lucky. That’s probably the only conservative journalism professor in the country.

This still going on? or are these sites just drip feeding bio excerpts to rub it in?

I will, right after you try being helpful first.

NP. BTW it was modern warfare 2 lol.

The amount of time it takes to get money in this game, I could be working and get real stuff.

Thank you for having by far the most helpful answer. It’s like you can’t ask a question on the internet without getting your head ripped off. maybe that’s why everyone is so ignorant nowadays.

Didn’t think about it, that’s why I asked.

Don’t be an ass.

A months long, nationwide blackout with a significant loss of financial data? Food shortage, rioting, economic collapse, ect ect.

A question: NK gets one nuke, detonates it over the continental US as an emp weapon, killing millions by wiping the electrical grid. Is that possible or am I misinformed? I heard that they don’t think they could get the grid up quickly if it goes down.

I’m going to stop you right there.

If he gets felony drug charges he won’t be allowed to own weapons anymore, but then again he never actually makes videos, so I am not sure WTF is wrong over there.

Ridiculous, this is just patina.

you mean, Oh, my apple car needs more washer fluid, time to go to the dealer because they are the only one with a special tool to open the hood.

I apply different logic: when it comes to old cars, leave the car in better shape than you found it.

1.2 million dollars over 17 years is 70,588$ a year, which is a reasonable salary for a damn secretary of agriculture. ABC blew a reasonable story way out of proportion. Hence, defamation lawsuit. Hence, big settlement.

So basically former school bullies that can’t do shit now that their marks are adults, so they have to join the adult bullying group.

Naturally aspirated 500 hp? Ok, no problem. Air cooled?

What church do you go to? Are you planning on having children? Do you have a boyfriend? (A variation of this: Are you married?)Who did you vote for?