My bird IS the word

Hmm good point.

This is probably worth it to a collector, but to us joes, cp

That explains it. I have been just starting to look at diffs (got a miserable 2.45 rear axle in the firebird, at least its an LSD) and was wondering why all the ratios were the same.

Coming up on stage for five seconds before being pulled off is funny to you?

Seriously, screw vw and all that jazz, but what he is doing isn’t funny. It’s painful to watch. If you want to pull something like this off, you have to be a good comedian. He is not.

Is this guy supposed to be funny?

Good point. No overdrive, so a tall ratio. I just find it wierd that they settle on the same ratios as everyone else. Probably have a supplier for that part

Plus, removing the gearbox removes a significant source of failure (and heat) to a high performance car. I find it hysterical that with all this that the final drive is some mundane gear like 2.73. I’m sure it makes total sense from an engineering perspective, but 2.73? Expected it to be wierd.

Still don’t get how people talk about aesthetics on this site. Cars are sculpture, and art is subjective. I find modern lambos to be beautiful.

Got an ac delco 8 track in the firebird, and dark side of the moon. No way I'm getting rid of it

Hey if you don't want your 8 tracks I'll take them.

Nope. Think of it this way, his stealing has earned him an eternity in hell, so what are ten years in jail?

“One of the drivers nearly killed was a kvue employee”

Lotus probably only CAN build 150 a year.

You brought up f1 and lmp. Not me.

So either you can't read or you enjoy being a contrarian ass. Which is it?

f1 limits how fast the cars are as well. LMP1 cars would count, but they are so removed from reality as to be irrelevant in my eyes. I want this mostly to create batshit homologation specials like the road going gt40, the plymouth road runner, the lancia stratos, ect. ect.

I know racing is supposed to be about who is the best driver, but can’t we have one series about who has the fastest car? Not that I really watch racing. Just seems to me why there are no classic “manufacturer dominates x series for five years” stories anymore.

I don't even believe how shitty compact cars were 10 years ago. We have come a long way in a very short time imo

I would ask for receipts (and talk him down 500$) but Ill vote np. Why do I always forget these cars exist? They look good.