Yes, yes, and maybe?
Yes, yes, and maybe?
this is why you need a car that is properly prepared for this:
The Chevy Laguna s3. A car so loved and well received that I have never heard of it! Seventies gm is a love-hate kinda thing.
you should lemon law that shit! get all your money back.
NO2 is some pretty good stuff tho
I hope you get pulled over for speeding, and a cop kicks your ass as soon as you pull over. If a suspect stops, cops aren't supposed to ram then judo kick them like an asshole. If he had been evading that bike would have been gone.
It would be nice to be able to sleep in a moving car. I should have been helping my friend drive back from baltimore, or at least helping to keep him awake, but we had been at a music festival all day for two days. I could barely function, let alone drive. So I spent my ride home passing out in the front seat every 2…
The “elite force” that protects our president is defeated by a light dusting. Next week: a baby with a butter knife assassinates Obama.
escort rs cosworth. done.
Its a trick- they want you to think it isnt there. mostly since roof rollover mandates they be thick, they are trying to make you think that your visibility is better than it is. Silly? Yes. That’s marketing folks.
Even if this isn’t your taste, 30k is about what most pre 73 muscle cars go for. I think this one is unique enough to be worth the money.that hood!
$4,500. For an original mustang in red. In decent shape. Was the guy crazy or just stupid? Btw I'm in charge of an estate, want a mint Ferrari 250 gto California? $5000 obo. Lol nice find either way.
herp derp I like trans ams if it wasn’t obvious.
So this volvo truck wasnt as durable as the one from the other post on this website?
To be fair, both the zo6 vette and the viper acr are closer to 100k. Great cars (as good as the Europeans) but I was just trying to drive home what “exotics” you can get for that money. And the equus bass was way overpriced considering it ripped off every single muscle cars styling. At least this is unique
This car would be really cool....... if the market for 150k+ supercars wasnt crowded enough already. Compared to it’s competition, it just isnt a refined enough look.
Thanks for sharing this, this is some quality footage.
these new model factory cars are going to embarass not-so-old sporty cars like my ‘10 mini.
This will get out of control, and the Koreans will be lucky to live through it. The rest of us are going to be fine.