It doesn’t help that they make actual vitamin gummies now. How is a child supposed to know it’s not candy when it is literally candy.
It doesn’t help that they make actual vitamin gummies now. How is a child supposed to know it’s not candy when it is literally candy.
Fuckin gold
Anyone who can do 50 pull-ups with proper form is fucking swole.
Happy Father’s Day, Fatos.
Chinese people cook their eggs in little boy’s urine.
Wasn’t Sonic Boom sorta amusing though? I saw a few clips of that and was surprised to find myself laughing.
It matters that you call them “radical Islamists” because it is a public declaration that we know who the enemy is. We know who we are fighting: radical Islam.
Wow that comic is seven years old. Damn.
It seems like this article is meant more for the running enthusiast than an everyday runner. Running is in the long term very cheap, you just have to do it as a personal maintenance tool rather than a hobby.
I too am eager to hear Drew’s view on that complete disaster.
Zelda can’t actually fight. Smash Bros is not Zelda canon.
It happened with every damn generation after the GameCube. Nintendo comes out with some original, catchy FAD of a control scheme, then as sales decline they slowly transition out of the fad and back into tried and true gaming.
Me too. It almost seems like he’s slowly learning to be human again, instead of a monster.
It would appear that Kratos is still a Spartan, but he had a child with a Norsewoman and is trying to raise his son as one (the video suggests he did not spend much time with his son before the mother died).
Lack of co-op killed it IMO. Would’ve made it GOTY easily
Your comment calls to mind the blissful times I had blasting Oblivion ragdolls skyward with my console-modded custom spells.
They haven’t even showcased Corvo yet, let’s not rule out him having some new powers as well.
I noticed that too. Since the game features time travel abilities perhaps Delilah is returning via the past. Also I wonder who the mustachioed man is who seemingly is in cahoots with her is.
I sure enjoyed it, I think it has the best story out of all the games and they nailed a nice blend of past choices affecting the story vs having to have an overlying linear narrative.
God rays is a technical term for the graphic effect, I first heard it used way back in a Game Informer article for Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter.