What is there to out? They were in public.
What is there to out? They were in public.
Exactly. You can’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy at a highly publicized rally for Nazi and Nazi-proximate causes.
And the people firing them are exercising the rights they have as employers in an at-will relationship. Irony alert: the Alt-Right’s best defense against its own stupidity is the union system they have so diligent worked to destroy.
Free speech doesn’t mean free of consequences. You have the right to say what you want. But know that you are speaking as an individual. Therefore as an individual you can not be protected like if you were part of a protected group. Like for example, if you were Hispanic and said something incredibly racist and sexist…
The first amendment only protects us from restrictions on speech by the state.
they werent “outed”, these dudes were walking around with their faces showing in a public space. if they didnt want people to know who they were, they should have worn fucking hoods.
With Nazis, free speech ends with Nazis.
It doesn’t protect their jobs. People get fired/not hired for much less if they post stupid stuff online/Facebook. It doesn’t mean they don’t suffer consequences, but they are not being arrested just for being a Nazi douchebag.
There is no “civil discourse” with white supremacists. We literally fought a world war over Nazis. Fuck them.
I understand the instinct behind your question, but civil discourse and debate is for when there are two sides to an issue. It doesn’t work for wiping out a deadly disease, which is what white supremacy is.
Well these fine gents weren’t looking to hide their identity, they went to a rally where they knew there would be press and public attention (because they organised it to be so) so we must assume they have no problem with being identified as an attendee.
what does recognizing or naming someone in a pic taken in a public place, or extrapolating on that recognition from the subject’s own public social media, have to do with denying free speech? There’s a straw man if I ever saw one.
How is pointing out who someone in public is not also count as free speech?
If you’re exercising your right to free speech in public, you don’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Doxing them doesn’t curtail their speech- if anything, it amplifies it. It also requires them to be responsible for the things they say.
Nobody has a Free Speech right to incite violence, comrade. Read the bloody Constitution.
They weren’t idiots who showed up to protest a statue being taken down. They were idiots who showed up to fight, carrying clubs and shields emblazoned with Confederate and Nazi imagery, and then one of those idiots killed an innocent woman. SHUT THEM DOWN.
It’s hardly “outing” someone to point out that they showed up at a public protest, unmasked. Literally the point of a protest is to be seen and heard as you express your opinion! They expressed theirs and now they’re experiencing the natural consequences of that.
I was going to say similarly. Right to privacy ends when you parade yourself in public at a public event and hold yourself out for others to see. Likewise, it is not the government taking steps to infringe upon the speech, so there’s little issue. Private employers are free to associate themselves (or disassociate, as…
I wouldn’t use the term “doxxing”. “Doxxing” reveals personal information in order to make victims feel endangered and vulnerable. Revealing names of people who assembled in public is just a matter of holding them accountable. If we were sharing their home addresses and telling them we will rape and kill them, then…
How is a person who has no children but pays their taxes (I assume she did) a drain on society? For example, the taxes I pay support schools, despite me not having any children to attend those school.