Contraception Failure

Some thoughts on this episode (which was great, btw):

Pretty sure Gideon is a Mandalorian.

The reason this show works and the Sequel Trilogy doesn’t is simple:

This is sorely needed proof that there are still good things in this world, and that one man can still make a difference. Thank you for another year of being the greatest. <3

They must have done more than one, because I distinctly remember Candice Bergen interviewing him in the one I saw.

I actually like Rise of Skywalker. IT wasn’t nearly as bad as some in fandom predicted. Personally, i feel it was better then TLJ, and worked nearly as well as TFA. A solid if average blockbuster.

John Wick 1: you did this to you

I’m asking for the following from this movie:

I think it looks great!

I disagree. Nearly half of voting Americans did the dumbest thing ever three years ago.

I’m hoping the emperor rolls that wheelchair of his right off the deck and into the ocean 5 minutes after showing up.

We’ve long chosen sides over the merits of Ewoks, the Prequels, The remaquels (patent pending), the moody spin-offs, The Last Jedi... but now it can all be summed up in two distinct categories. Those who see an image of heroes riding alien horses on the top of space ships and roll their eyes in cynical disgust, or

Both results can be valid if they are using GM’s engine management software. If SAE test is heat soaked, the engine management software could limit horsepower for long term protection of the engine and smog characteristics. Think of it as a number for 0-60 and cooled down quarter mile runs and the other for twenty

Don’t care - let me know if they add a third pedal. Until then, it might as well be a minivan. An UNCOOL minivan. 

Or, OR, and bear with me here:

Corvette dynos 560hp at the wheels....

“falls short of expectations”


Don’t you mean “Nyet!”?

I may have shed a tear when the Rikers appeared on screen.

Edibles are arguably the safest form of marijuana ingestion. Smoking via combustion lets a lot of free radicals into your lungs, as well as ash and resin. This *could* lead to deadly lung cancer (though it has not been proven to). Vaping flower is much better but there are still free radicals and you are coating your

Unidentified Alternate Popstar.