Sounds like a Sudden Turning mechanical failure - ref. Toyota for a play by play of what happens next.
Sounds like a Sudden Turning mechanical failure - ref. Toyota for a play by play of what happens next.
@shdwcaster: They're too busy updating their resume to look outside...
@KaBoomBOX: I approve this comment... Oh wait.
@shdwcaster: In the immortal words of our wrinkly old friend E.T.... OUCH!!!! They should accept defeat and put it back - obviously it'll go down as a titanic of epic failures unless they steer the ship back on course...
I clicked on the "yesterday's mountain..." link and was happily reminded of that the old Gawker site is SO much faster and easier on the eyes than the new "re-design." Thank Baby Jesus for!
Tesla is the Charlie Sheen of the car world - fun to watch (I wanted to say ride but ewww) but full of overpriced douchebaggery.
Very pretty! Finally a good design direction unlike the '02+ bubble-butt on the 7's! I see Vision styling cues - good!
Interesting. I had a '72 Caddy DeVille same color same top and it too had the grille "fangs" that other years did not.. '72 must have been the Year Of The Fang!
@RepoManChitown: In my existing powers that be (not much) - I promote your comment!!!
@TheTick247: to the old and wounded; no. But 75% of the time - yes. Many Euro-subways (and some here state-side) are WAY down! Also, building code requires intermediate landing spots (to rest) and that gets expensive to construct. All you need now is a giant tube versus a jigjag
@TheTick247: to the old and wounded; no. But 75% of the time - yes. Many Euro-subways (and some here state-side) are WAY down! Also, building code requires intermediate landing spots (to rest) and that gets expensive to construct. All you need now is a giant tube versus a jigjag
@Jagvar: Yeah, I'm curious too!
@D0rk: They don't call it The Gimp for nothing!
needs more intake... and more wings. Add a few large stickers of numbers and confusing acronyms and you've got a deal!
come to papa!
@Quattro-luvr: or an erection... same thing.
Try it. Crank the heat. It's pure awesome!