"For the rest of us, there's the "power" button... Enough to carry all that extra weight..."
"For the rest of us, there's the "power" button... Enough to carry all that extra weight..."
@$kaycog: needs more intake
@clientized: ca.jalopnik.com
just learned that we can have the good back if we just add a "ca" before jalopnik.com (or any of the gawker sites). try it! Awesomeness! Pass it on!
"sucktasculastity" - I heart this new word.
remember that older version of Jalopnik that was fast, easy to navigate and had 10's of 1000s of hits per story? Ah - the good old days...
I'm comment #37 in 6.5hours... YES, the web redesign is a success!!!
Cygnet is an old English translation from the Celtic word Vismut. But as we all know, the Romans had a minor impact on their language as they approached the North - Vismut was a direct descendant of their god Vomis. Vomis was much prayed to in their vomitoriums of the day - similar to our porcelain gods of today.
needs more intake
Oh, I get it! You call them up as you're sitting in traffic and 2 guys show up on a bike. One takes your car and the other hauls you off... Wasn't clear but it IS early in the morning.
I love the little interchangeable lenses - cute and useless. I can see this getting washed after I forget it in my pocket.
@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: Though it may be just as strange to point auto-remotes at people... A pen - I think a pen would be a good housing.
@LTDScott: I'd pick up Raquel Welch in that! I may have to chase her down and stuff her in there but that's besides the point.
New marketing tag line:
@craigeryjohn: They've never had my respect... but I believe they DID cheapen themselves with this. At this point, carry in a damn Thermos and have them fill it people!
30 minutes... I think the future of these stations are of the coffee-shop/bookstore marriage. Need to create an entity that can take advantage of such a length of time - say peep show, can-crushing activity for the whole family, or a toe-nail clipping museum.
HSS!!! (aka Holi Sheep Shit!) Sign this kid up for some stunt-work, I was more glued to this Yutube vid than a James Bond sequence. Not that I condone such behavior, in fact, I'd curse him in Russian if he did that next to me, but DAMN!
[insert your name here] "built the aluminum bodied car because he couldn't find a suitable new car to purchase"
@xequar: Aztec, cough... sorry, coughed up phlegm..
@-Beefmalone: That's gorgeous! How come there's no Fiero kit for that!?