My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

@redmarquis: Not to mention that giant ass-lift. What's up with that!? Too much Micky D's I guess. I think it's worth scooping up an "old" one and swapping the mechanics with a car that works - you then have the best of all worlds!

Just noticed that his facial hair mimics that of the front end of his (now impounded) vehicle... Pelicans may get confused!

The Pontiac Aztec

Maybe they can pay via Visa Debit card? When not in use for a week, the fees will reduce it down to $2.95

@Ex. President Mack 'Sideshow' 41: "I drive carefully, politely and smoothly. I never experience the paranoia of an imminent traffic stop. And I always meet you, 20 seconds later, right there at the next traffic light. " Is this what you call "fun"? I pity you! You're in stop/go traffic every day for an hour as you

@x219c: Yup - but the money the Prius owner saves with $4+/gal. He's investing and making more money or taking a VERY nice vacation. Go right ahead, get there 3 minutes faster - they're laughing at the minivan all the way to the bank.

This car would be my one and only compulsion-purchase!

reminds me of this... Even when this FF will be all long and gone - this same post will come back again and again - lol!

Sell it to an idiot who will just look at it for $40,000 more and "buy" another one.

@MCheese: It's Groundhog day at Jalop if you practice ye olde ca.Jalop thing... They want to herd pple to the new site desperately. Sometimes it's updated - then it reverts to this screen. I just laugh and visit a week later now...

They're doing it wrong...

Mooooo Mooooo - they're herding the cattle to the slaughter-house (aka stupid site version) as the "ca"-version is now archaic.

The same state that did away with smog checks because it was deemed unnecessary is now impounding cars with big tires because it's a health hazard? That's not just hypocritical, that's fucking racist!