@Joey Bamburg: depends on how you define "terrorist" and " criminal."
I love the execution but it doesn't look finished. The last pic kinda shows this with the molded front end and the blank back (the bed even slopes down - which is ok). It seems like it needs an older style M3 rear end or something - def a bumper! The bed should have turned inwards a tad versus straight up - could…
@Jones Foyer: was gonna' mention the same thing - beat me to it! It's not like they need it for their job!
Nicaraguan military my arse! Google street view is just mapping out Central America...with tanks!
And after a long day at touching up Lenin, comrade Ivanov enjoyed a nice game of Missile Command
@Hypnic Jerk: I always hated the DJ interrupting the very end of the song! Only times I got a full song was when they fell asleep at the mic.
@agjios: reminds me of the "Buy American" sticker on the back of a Datsun I once mentally noted.
@worthless_cos: +20!
with all the little figurines running in the distance - the only thing that looks 3D is the commentator that just wouldn't shut up!
Interesting thought - though why not shove it on the back so all you have to do is turn it over to charge? Provides more area, less moving parts to break, and cleaner lines.
So if regular whip its cause a nice euphoric buzz, this version must give an orgasmic hallucination. I'll take a case please! Make that two!
@$kaycog: Could be even worse - this could be a GT40 mod!
@kyphem: using USB or some telephathic method?
cleaning out the tub after the wife with the long hair used it, eh?
@kyphem: for a second, I read that as "Dora"... Well, considering it's missing a few keys, I don't think many calls will be made on that.
the reflections in the street make for epic photography opps!
This was like getting extraordinary head by a very ugly person. Extacy until you look down - then takes a while to get back up again - then you look down again - etc.