My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

MY EYES, MY EYES! Kill it before it hurts others!!!!

@Alfisted: you're starred for a reason - bravo.

What's with the animal shapes Stig? Doing a dog and pony show? Literally?

and in other news, Ahmadinejad refuses to make potato pancakes from Manischewitz!

@Mr. Black: was going to mention the same thing - should be posted there...

Aeon Flux disapproves...

From the picture, you plug one end into the car and the other into a lawn patch and you're good to go? Awesome! Now I know the secrets of wheat-grass!!! World power issues solved! Go Croatia!

I don't think those are accidents - I believe those are governmentally mandated road ornaments...

Where have I seen this car before!?

@Dr. Nemmo: Yeah, Tesla and that whole internet thing is pretty nifty too...

Doll house my arse! That's a damn IKEA shelving unit with some small shapes on it.

That's SUCH a sweet looking car! It's like a DeLorean making love to a Fiero making love to a Datsun. I'll take it!

@Incredible: She may need some therapy following this post. PTSD takes on many forms...

CalCars lists a mess of options to convert a Prius to all electric plug-in that drives even at highway speeds. Ranging from 2-13K tacked onto the sticker, it's still cheaper than Volt. I think a discerning geek/miser will look at options and see that there are better one's - but early adopters will negate all reason

Perhaps this was the vehicle next to him when he pulled in (since driven off when picture taken). I would have done the SAME thing!!!

And they said the "don't ask, don't tell" policy is only a US issue... whatev'!

@Midnight_Tengen: the explosion's force would add 0.3MPG's to the Volt and offer GM the opportunity to use the PR tag line "Volt - Leaving Ferrari In The Dust."