My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

@Kid-A: Sweet baby jesus that nose is beautiful in it's fish-face ugliness.

@accipiter: the poster is the yucky version of the lambo - the one with more ducts than legally allowed.

I wanna' see the innards please...

t-bone... it's what's for dinner!

I KNEW it was just a matter of time! now where's that Barbie...

dumb - trying too hard to be a shock-jock with a topic that should be dead. Not even worth responding to details as I know not the intent trying to achieve.

2nd step: alter final production version design so badly that it looks like a Kia. Just give us the damn car like this and be done with it!!!

I don't care for bashing of any sort and sorry Ray but propagating the biases with words such as "greenies" and comparing apples to oranges does not bode well in any article - in this day and age - and in these days of extra need of information flow and acceptance.

@Jim-Bob: That's the reason I'm not a fan of special interest groups or political "contributions." A little too much of a poli-biz marriage going on to be comfortable...

@Xelmon: sok pénz is fog fojni - de nem ahova kéne...

@Jim-Bob: Unfortunately many are at the mercy of big corp due to really high unemployment and needed city tax revenue so not much will be done (cough - Walmart - cough). There will be a lot of pay-offs arising out of this versus sweeping reform to better a system, unfortunately - esp in their newly established

Hmmm - At first I was like "Great, she got some much needed PR via Jalop for her car-fight and it only took 18 months!" and then I read on and was all "Oh no, this dipstick got some PR and valdation by getting picked up by Jalop!" Luckily it's a blog and commenters can "comedify" it as much as humanly possible with

I dunno' but if i was the detective, I'd be asking some questions from the Google car drivers. Why is there a murder wherever they went??? And why are there bloody tire tracks following them? Hmmm

@MrEvil: about 90 years he'll have MANY options!

@92BuickLeSabre: He could, but I would bet a few dollars that viewership of said video would be drastically lower. I think his first choice was wiser.

Did they at least charge the battery first? It'd be pretty insensitive if they didn't...

@2 replies: He would hope they pull it out of that orifice...