My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

@SacredByte: I wonder if that argument would have worked with iPhoneGate...

Smells of Onion

Funny, I didn't get the 40 hr Geraldo Rivera expose on this... he must be slipping!

and how much interest did they make with that $90 mill? How much biz and venture capital did they generate to get another $90 mill on top of that? Dunno - seems pretty scammy to take for years, reap the bennies, and they just pay back the principle originally stolen.

Is it illegal to make a large-ish poster/print out of this and carry it in with you to the next Mickey-D outing as you order a milkshake or something? Go on, I dare you! And Youtube the reactions!

@Alfisted: Uhum, Tesla Wall Street, uhum.


It's the arm-pit of the nation... that's why.

I could have used this in my in-the-car-sex days... though something would have tipped us off - not sure what...

Now where have I seen this kid before...

Is that an IS pinhole lens?

...checking eBay now for a flood of drives at 75% off.

@sliverworm: Me too, but heard very little of what I'm supposed to do in case one plunges towards terra... not that it matters - TURN IT UP!

@Crash Bandihoon: I dunno' - per many experts, it's an amazing vehicle... the badge seems to be the thing that killed it.

I wonder if the same enthusiasm will be given to the Phaeton in a few years... Buy now - drool later.

I think watching the pedetrians trip on the wire or having their legs chopped off via razor-sharp 100MPH cable is half the adventure...

@Matt White: Crazy Eddie's Hooose of Ferrari had a Clear Out Inventory sale...duh, I mean eh!