My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

@brisbrd: the car seat stays buckled to hold the seat in. The baby seat buckles are independent of car-electronics. Now if you make ALL baby car seats have an electronic connection to the car seat-belt system where it does that, you may have a product!

AutoDesk PR needed an inspiration on its floor for their new tag line?

Insurance companies are a legalized and law-required mafia racket. With each premium payment, you're betting that your property or your health will suffer in some way. To keep most of that bet, their job is to tell you that everything is still A-OK. In other news, the earth is still round and spins very very fast!

@Buckus: I could make a really racist Asian joke about now but I won't...Oh wait.

@iamthewalrus13: have trust in the accessory. Have FULL FAITH in the $50 3rd party gadget that accepts no responsibilities of said attached gadget.

@jamjen: Either that or we take back the world we want to live in. I kind of like that option better. It follows suit with that whole human ingenuity and ability to overcome obstacles thing...

@jedimaster: High Fructose Corn Syrup just changed their name because of "bad press." You think a tiny labeling won't do harm to their bottom line? They will whine about how un-constitutionally unfair it is blah blah blah freedom of commerce blah blah blah Made in the USA freedom blah blah blah and then all will be

@Ben Etherington: I would like to take a piece of text out of context if I may: "we know what we're doing."

An "accident" will be announced that a million GM fish escaped the compound, hijacked a truck headed for Alaska, and infiltrated the natural estuaries raping all the natural fish and creating GM mutations. And like Monsanto of today, AquaBounty will then seek a patent on ALL living things which may have touched its

@Poul Costinsky: It won't matter whether it's farmed or not. They will infiltrate the real population and infect it all.

@kuzmich_v_ssulke001: Keeping consumers informed is the last thing AquaMan (or whatever) wants to happen. Monsanto wouldn't be a monopoly today if it had to do the same thing...

@jedimaster: Consumers don't want to know where food comes from. Yes they want to be healthy but they're lazy to do the work to find out so they trust blindly. And when weird outbreaks of salmonella (word pun not intentional but appropriate) poisoning appear for no reason, we blame something else and brush it off to

Man, that's an awful lot of moving parts to keep greased!

Could have done without the dune buggies but other than that - pretty sweet.

@Incredible: agree - another cheap way to get a couple of zeros on the comment-list from raves and rants that go nowhere.

It's not that it's a nice fake... it's the fact that it's a Diablo. Diablo is to over consumed sports car like the hanging testicle off a Caprice.

house looks drafty for some reason...

this question in a car blog is like asking for the best drink recipe at a 12-step program. Cheap and effective!