My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

Does it come in hybrid?

33% believe that 49% of the population is much like the 13% from the original 89% surveyed... most of the time.

yes, because making an informed decision based on the knowledge of well, the world is a no no. We like a narrow frame of view to determine the fate of an individual. So if he was checking out kitty porn that's ok? Stupid. Looking up a definition has no bearing on the matter - in fact it shows initiative on behalf

@averyrm: don't forget cutting off limbs...

Where are all the birds feeding off them? Did they die off too?

This has so much more potential of versatility than the iPad! I'd give up a slightly thicker body for full potential any day! THIS (if done right) is the iPad killer!

Bad fuel economy requires gas badly. Sure sign of desperation...

Considering the schmucks that will probably end up owning 95% of these pieces of hardware, they may want to install some soft landing mechanism in the steering wheel.

Not really a unicorn - more like a case of the herpes that just won't go away... luckily it only shows up rarely but still hurts badly when it does.

I never EVER understood paid/yr plates that replicate the badge car moniker a few inches away from it.

This is why the internet is both a cash cow and something to fear for the movie industry. Way cool and hope they continue their talent! Power to the gifted - not the politically established!

@mantaTM: seriously! That was pretty sweet! Get these guys a contract!

I sat through 10 minutes looking for the car to go down that slide? Really!? All the while secretly waiting for the damn helicopter to run out of gas and explode with whateverthehell car it was going around in circles with... Damn you bored Germans without a zoom camera! Damn you!

Unless they simultaneously revolutionize the fast food industry while proposing this new type of seating - I don't think this will fly (pun intended) in America...

@buckleyneko: the intent is, when the plane crashes, it's all done and pre-packages like this... quite efficient!

Sorry, just bought GoMommy for 1/2 that, suckers!